torstai 4. marraskuuta 2010

updating my alt status

char, lvl - ms / os - 1st prof / 2nd prof - guild
Randed, lvl80, shaman - resto / ench - 422 mining / 450 skinn - The Slackers
Genéral, lvl60, mage - arcane / fire - 300 skinn / 140 herb - The Slackers
Nonameed, lvl85, paladin - prot / holy - 540 ench / 550 skinn - The Slackers moved to agamaggan
Huntereed, lvl74, hunter - bm / sv - 440 lw / 450 skinn - The Slackers
Nonamee, lvl80, dk - blood / frost - cwf - 450 jc / 447 tailor - The Slackers
Moneydruid, lvl85, druid - feral (dps and tank) / resto - 550 herb / 446 insc - The Slackers
Nonameds, lvl68, priest - holy /disc - 86 mining / 103 bs - The Slackers
Joynara, lvl45, warlock - demo / affli - 146 herb / 146 alch - The Slackers
Nonamer, lvl18, warrior - prot (/fury) - 60 herb / 118 skinn - The Slackers - deleted
Rogueds, lvl18, rogue - 41/5/25 subtetly (/assasination) - 71 engi / 62 mining - deleted
Druudw, lvl40 druid - feral / bala - engi / mining - The Slackers
Holypowah, lvl30 pala - retri / prot - herb / skinn - The Slackers

lvl85: 2x
lvl80+: 4x (2x 80)
lvl70+: 5x (1x 70)
lvl60+: 6x (2x 60)
lvl50+: 7x (0x 50)
lvl40+: 9x (2x 40 )
lvl30+: 10x (1x 30)

torstai 14. lokakuuta 2010

tought about cataclysm comming, good or bad in raiding

I do hate the healing changes, it's like they wanted us to go oom 24/7, but on other hand the guild things are kind of awesome (looking at it as a guild leader).

Got my own raiding guild now, probs progressing on 4/12 so it's rot + fester time but well we're just not going good since missing on ts3 atm. 10man 4/12, 25 0/12 just haven't gotten the whole team to come online. wowprogress altought says 8/12 + 10/12 on 10man and on 25man 4/12. we would progress just fine if the ts3 would come back online.

while downloading patch (which is one 58% on 1st stage) I've read quite awsome guild leading guides, that will affect my guild leading but not radically. + read some what the game is now like (slow download for me, no I mean VERY slow, 24h downloading and still on 1st stage).

need to start worry how to get our raiders ready for cata (while we even are struggling on icc), but if I succeed preparing our raiders, it will make us tighter as a team and get a chance to down bosses on 1st shot which will be a brand new experience without any expections.

very excited to get playing this patch since it has changed many thing as I've heard.

keskiviikko 4. elokuuta 2010

decided to just wait on cata

decided just wait on cata and not gear up anyone, skip all hc etc, all raids aswell, my dk's in a casual guild so aslong as I'm online once in a month (I'm for jc doing that) I'm in that guild. so going to lvl all my alts to 68 first cos in cata it's prob easier the 68-80 part, for me it's atm the boringest and longest part. so keeping list on my alts lvl tight in the precious pos = updating it all the time : D

perjantai 30. heinäkuuta 2010

progression with my alts

updating my progression list on alts for lvls. it's a while since I blogged, my cousin haven't any money, and my mom says she may pay my subsciption but atm none, waitng on my cousin to get some money for it, or that my mom does it, haven't any money myself atm. and I'm prob going to someday do 10xallys on my own account, but hmm that's prob when I've got all lvl80'ies on this char, which takes time or after hmm 3-4years.

char, lvl - ms / os - 1st prof / 2nd prof - guild
Randed, lvl80, shaman - resto / ench - 422 mining / 450 skinn - The Slackers
Genéral, lvl26, mage - frost (/arcane) - 100 skinn / 100 herb - The Slackers
Nonameed, lvl80, paladin - prot / holy - 460 ench / 450 skinn - The Slackers
Huntereed, lvl73, hunter - bm / sv - 427 lw / 450 skinn - The Slackers
Nonamee, lvl80, dk - frost / unholy - cwf - 450 jc / 447 tailor - Incorporated
Moneydruid, lvl80, druid - feral (dps and tank) / resto - 450 herb / 446 insc - The Slackers
Nonameds, lvl44, priest - holy (/disc) - 51 mining / 29 bs - The Slackers
Joynara, lvl38, warlock - demo (/aff) - 106 herb / 112 alch - The Slackers
Nonamer, lvl18, warrior - prot (/fury) - 60 herb / 118 skinn - The Slackers
Rogueds, lvl18, rogue - 41/5/25 subtetly (/assasination) - 71 engi / 62 mining - deleted
Druudw, lvl34 druid - bala - engi / mining - The Slackers

hmm this will make it
lvl80: 4x
lvl70+: 5x (1x 70)
lvl60+: 5x (0x 60)
lvl50+: 5x (0x 50)
lvl40: 6x (1x 40 )
lvl30+: 8x (2 x 30)

keskiviikko 14. heinäkuuta 2010

pala dinged 80 finally

my pala dinged 80 and I'm gearing her up. need the pos shield, . dropped once, shammy healer won it -.- tanked about 10xpos atleast to get it to drop, so today tanking is again a million time, atleast I get some eot's for it aswell. and I like tanking pos, then need to späm fos for 2 drops, and . and then hor for hmmm 4 drops, .

Then I'm off to do some hc.s XDDDD

keskiviikko 30. kesäkuuta 2010

questions after questins w/ answers

cldn't stop myself, was just thinking this is a thing I shld do so it's time for something I saw at I Sheep Things...,which re-stole it from Kiss My Alas, which stole it from Ethermead. yes I'm re-re-stoling it or somthing.

1. Raider, farmer, PvPer, or altoholic?
altholic, casual pvper, hmm wld be raider if had a char I cld keep intrest up with.

2. Favorite raid or dungeon?
let's admit it it's .... ulduar, Flame leviathan owns can't stop loving him. and ofc brann is loveably. well as second hand icc seems nice.

3. Number one choice for a new playable race?
worgens, doh I want to try be werewolf.

4. Class you suck the most at?
hmmm warriors and rogues. opening move, can't be done, you mean how the hell do I even sap. to hard, when I try to it says you must be stealth, I was STEALTHED, oh ye mob did see me, cos I standed there for a 10secs trying to get it done, did 30min on the pickpocket lvl10 quest. even if warrior is the class I started wow with, I play em a few steps better than rogues, doh I can CHARGE. and hmm thunderclap is there even other abilities I shld use. to hard. tought got a nice manual, which is my cousin, her warrior is lvl71, so she knows atleast something, and she's arms / prot, so she's a manual for tanking to me

5. Original UI or modded UI?
modded UI, can't live without getting everyaddon I normall have.

6. Profession you’ve never leveled past 200?
 hmm well my lw is low on my hunter, so it's countable but I lvled it over 200, to 250-280 or some on my shammy til I toke mining and bs, hmm well bs is 5 ? think so. and engineering 50 on rogue. have alchemy on 75 or so on lock and priest. well they gonna go past 200 someday, rargh need 120 light leathers. my warr is taking skinning and go tanking sfk 10times / day

7. Favorite flying mount?
hmm idk, nvr actaully tried the 280%'ies since don't have skill, but I like blue-protodrake, hmm okay celestial steed is favorite, it's so amazing, and I don't have it -.-

8. Nozdormu — friend or foe, you figure?
his in DRAGONBLIGHT, badbadbad me, tought he was in caverns of time. hmm hate db, so foe. evrything in bronze dragon-whatever-place (tought is was emerald, I can't even read correctly wowwiki) is hmmm meabe foe, did some random q there, he looked like he was gonna kill me.

9. Useless item you have in your bank that you’ll never get rid of?
my starting dk trinkets, nvr gonna put them away, you can't sell em put to bored to destroy em and tbh their usefull but gs sucks on em

10. Most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
cwf and dualspecs, on items prob some gems 300g, the 30g stam gem. whatever named

11. Favorite starting area?
easy and simple answer the be-area, also called as eversong woods. love it, damn that warriors can't be be, anything else is be, no wait my druid aint (how did I forget that).

12. Inane goal you worked hardest to achieve?
 nothing yet but I want the Insane titel, hmm well let's see tbh, the explorer, the patient aint even countable and neither is ah-god-damn-forgot-what-I-was-about-to-say.

13. Darion Mograine VS Tirion Fordring, gloves off — winner is?
Mograine, his in starter area and in dk's blood talent tree. remember his buff forever, the quest was awesome

14. Game music or your own playlist?
Game music, can't live without it even when it's a total disaster. and when I feel like putting the sound off.

15. Particular option or setting that you always toggle on a new alt/server?
hmmm, equip management on ? hmm and all combat information ofc. auto-loot XD

16. Highest amount of levels gained in one play session?
ouch hmmm, 4lvls / day is normal, and I play like that in max in session, but hmmm, 43-46 today, and hmm had 30-35 once, and hmm 65-69 aswell, on my main, think it was 60-65, once. I don't even always play on same char at whole session

17. Thing you’d most like to experience or see in-game?
ulduar 25man hc ? idk icc wld be veryvery nice aswell

18. Worst PuG moment?
argh, the ones when I got kicked cos of slacking and put only d&d and the one healer left cos I was dk tank.

19. Best dungeon/raid moment?
tanking mt kt and tanking mt icc marrowgar, tought icc10 only and so, yes I don't have even killed him in icc, shame on me, altoholic. but I liked dk tanking mt, and ofc that's usually un-acceptable -.-

20. Worst quest ever that you totally hate doing?
 typical my luck, forgot it alrdy. prob kill 40 of these or pick 40 of these, 10 goes, 15even, 20 is way to much, 40 is suecide

21. First thing you do when you hit 80?
go around jumping in happiness, go gear something meabe or so and then go play an alt XD altoholic

22. Character (of yours) you would RP as if you had to?
nona deffinityl, she's my lvoe.

23. Keyboard, mouse, or both for using abilities?
mouse, and keyboard sometimes, 1-5 and casually something else aswell which is pushed with mouse ofc XD

24. Thottbot or WoWhead?
wowhead, cos of the talent trees with peeeet XD

25. Acronym you’ve seen in chat but don’t understand?
hmm well I understand them all, hmm wait there was los but hmm got figured out from wowwiki what it was. so hmm well don't still understand the idea of it.

26. Plot point you’d like to see resolved someday?
hmm why my dps on dk is like she wld be lvl70 -.- do I suck, or is it the pvp-dps-tank gear ?
tbh wowhistory is something I wld like the read, hmm resolved, caverns of time meabe ?

27. Biggest thing you’re looking forward to in Cataclysm?
I don't want to cata come if they gonna do changes that they are about to do, but on otherside I want the pala PET and it's gonna be easier to lvl70-80. hopefully 80-85 is intresting and fun and well tbh it's not gonna be easy but hope it's fun, so I can do it on all chars
28. Guild event you’d like to see?
icc ofc, not even in guild atm, got kicked from a newly formed raiding guild cos of being 2 days on my alt

29. Level range you hate being in?
hmm lvl40-58 ? totally boring. but what I most hate is the 70-80 it's slow it's painfull it's BORING. it's hard it's un-doable

30. Favorite map to quest in?
well hmm howling fjord is nice but sholazar basin and nagrand are the best :D just cos of the place, not the quests ;D

Imma lazy altoholic XD 1xlvl80, 3xlvl70'ies

this altoholic has gotten lazy, can't lvl70-80 cos it's so damn boring, so my char list is like this, in this order even :D

Randed, lvl73, shaman - resto / ench - dual-specc
Genéral, lvl21, mage - frost (meabe arcane as dual if I deside go raiding someday)
Nonameed, lvl72, paladin - prot / holy - dual-specc
Huntereed, lvl47, hunter - bm (hoping on surv as dual)
Nonamee, lvl80, dk - frost / unholy - dual-specc, cwf (my GOD damn main and no epic flyer)
Moneydruid, lvl71, druid - feral (dps and tank) / resto - dual-specc
Nonameds, lvl22, priest - hybrid atm -> respecing disc and dual-speccing holy someda
Joynara, lvl27, warlock - demo, and nvr anything else ever, if I go pvp only then destro, if raiding then aff
Nonamer, lvl4, warrior - prot, nothing else prob
Rogueds, lvl18, rogue - 41/5/25 pvp specc, so it's ... subtetly

okay my memory suck and it's maintance no idea where my lock was but anyway: Joynara, lvl38, warlock, bwtween Moneydruid (Nonameds) and Nonamer prob.
and aswell as my priest, Nonameds, lvl20, priest, between Moneydruid and Nonamer prob.
and my paladin, Nonameed, lvl72, paladin, I know this one is between Nonamee and Randed somewhere

gonna check the order when maintance over. and gonna put dualspecs and cwf ja epic flyng there aswell + speccs XDDD

and hmm I did start my rogue cos everything was boring, then I desided I love my bow and did go lvl my hunter XD and there we are, 2 days, and it's from 36-43 yesterday and today 43-46 was hoping to 48 but hmm got maintance which I forgot so no hope on it, but half way to 47 anyway since my hs to dala is refershing I tp.ed fast to dala and from there to smc in the 3last minutes before server shuttdown, and trade was going WILD. spämmin evrysec XDD
okay I modified the list to be correct now. good memory I assume, all was on place. tought some lvls was to low some to high :D going lvling my warr now

lauantai 8. toukokuuta 2010

my shockadin build

perjantai 7. toukokuuta 2010

prot & holy palas

let me once again make a own messed up pve and pvp build like I always do.
wont ever follow anything right, was about to follow my cousins pala holy specc BUT it wont have the imp fury, so not it then, and don't like that one either that is 51/20/0 so let me do my own. again. tank build aswell gonna be planned :D
holy: 51/13/7:
hmm not sure if I wld take divine sacriface and the next one of it, kinda useless. tank stuff :D
so not taking it, going to retri.
prot: 5/55/11:
divine strength meabe wld be better instead of seals of the pure. but that specc seems ok, right have one point in divine strengt. I'll be hit capeed anyway , wont prob matter that much. incr dmg done supposed to be better.

torstai 29. huhtikuuta 2010

tanking gear I want from icc 10man normal

head  neck shoulder back chest  shit tabard  wrist  hands  waist  legs  feet  finger finger trinket trinket
hmm os for me in icc, but yeah.
finger: [Abomination's Bloody Ring]
chest: [Ghoul Commander's Cuirass] 
neck:  [Marrowgar's Scratching Choker]
wep: [Citadel Enforcer's Claymore]
[Ramaladni's Blade of Culling]
[Hersir's Greatspear]
legs: [Deathforged Legplates] 
wrist:  [Gargoyle Spit Bracers]
back: [Cloak of Many Skins] 
hands: veincrusher guntles
trinket: [Unidentifiable Organ]

lol etc. there's alot I want it wld renew all my gear on both speccs :D  

ms is gonna be dps, and that's gonna suck. see there what I need, don't care, hate dps specc and gear xD

dual specc & lvling

3rd dualspecc : my shammy, resto / ele. missing on mail heirloom, but think chest on will do. lvl68 atm
2nd dualspecced : my pala has dual specc to prot / holy, going to get other heirloom piece for tanking. pala is lvl43 I think, not lvling her atm.
1st dualspecced : my dk has dualspecc to blood / unholy, I'm not going back to frost cos I really do like blood, and cos getting dps gear now too so gonna keep it. dk is lvl 80, my main

for my shammy I tought first unnesessarilly ele specc, but then I saw I was best dps in healing gear in ele specc. so gonna keep it for it, tought first I'll specc pve resto / pvp resto. but meabe I'll just respecc better pve specc and go pvp with it aswell. aint so hard.

my shammy actually haven't outland flying mount, or skill. so idk how this gonna go. gonna gest throught howling fjord with my friend, cos he haven't done them yet, so getting it fast over cos his dps is around 3-4k in hc.s. that's why I wont starting lvling there before he arrives, doing dung or gonna be on my main while waiting on him.

not going for weekly before saturday, cos having ulduar then. so waiting on it.

gonna hope my shammy hits 80 soon, so bored of tanking hc.s, it's just so damn boring. it's just QQ, but I shld pick adds up in hc.s but didin't it yesterday, figured out they'll handle with 1-2 adds, but someone died. lol, that mage died all the time. didin't put even d&d down. just realized that doing dungs I get 250g->  / ea day.

hmm then sometime gonna get gear for my shammy, 4-5k gs first, and then heirloom to plate, then going to lvl my pala. loving holy, but prot lvling faster in dungs. and it's easy.

ah lving list is like this now:
#1 - shammy lvl68 ( resto / ele )
#2 - pala lvl43 ( prot / holy )
#3 - druid lvl35 ( resto )
#4 - priest lvl17 ( disc )
#5 - mage lvl17 ( frost )
#6 - hunter lvl17 ( bm )
#7 - warlock lvl10 ( demo )

keskiviikko 14. huhtikuuta 2010

druid lvling

yesterday was to my a epic fail tanking day + really bad grps, so decided to not tank at that time. tried again lvl my druid but failed cos got someone I needed to boost, and got achiev from it too. would wanted to do it hc too, but we died once = wiped if you can call that and then I had to go. so my druid got no lvl yestterday.

still lvl36. and I'm been dreaming for 2 days that I could get him to lvl40 so I can dualspecc him to balance, for questing ( god choose for me, I fail tanking as druid, I just can't see how I get threat and FAST ). couldn't ever tank a hc with druid cos I need threat in 1sec to prevent a wipe, as druid it takes 10sec to realize I have a taunt (tought I loose aggro in 5sec after it ....). as dk I just forget usually my taunt but have d&d etc on so np. ( except when d&d's not on then everyone complain, but I use all my runes at all time, so no d&d time after start ... ).

getting straight moonkin form when I can dualspecc, and get to the waited tree at lvl51. FINALLY then. but to that I need to first get to lvl 40 and then to lvl50. meabe I quest cos I'm ultimately bored of dungs that nvr come ven as healer. getting alot as dps instead of healer in.

and what pisses me off is that it's now fucking weekly maintance. in 6h. ....

an on friday ulduar 10 and on saturday totc 10. so see how that goes, back in my old worst ever raider guild. but no there's not the epic complainer with us. who thinks raiding is something that don't work ( and his very impatience, if raid don't start in 10mins, he leave )

want tought to my druid aswell the trinkets. his having now shoulder and chest as cloth ( too bored to by leather, no big diff anyway, healer heirlooms are always healer heirlooms ), and then having a 1h mace. up for trinkets + kalu'ak ring. what else ....

first I tought I take both trinkets but then even how stupid it is I tought I take just the mana one x2. butbut it's actually just for gs etc and when giving it to else class ... wait ... hell, y I take mana x2, all my other lvling charas are mana users aswell. how did I forget that ...

+ 1k to heirloom flying cwf mount. again need to do some money getting ( I suck at it, my jc atm at lvl150 or some so ... + having tailoring, having something to do frostweaves with but haven't bought infinites yet ). so getting money is hard, should just quest but nah ... can't complete one chain q.s cos need someone to heal me on it or some ...

what wld I enchant my heirlooms with ... can't decide: [Enchant Weapon - Spell Power] or [Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect]. let's see what I need more, think I go for intellect can take sp when I'm lvl80. so it's [Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect] then. which ofc cost 200g in ah ..

then there were [Enchant Chest - Greater Stats] and [Enchant Chest - Major Mana] and hell yeah I'm taking [Enchant Chest - Greater Stats] cos of the reason what higher you become that more usefull it is. ofc xD

of btw if anyone have any pvp tips so just tell me. would be love to know some, love pvp but suck at it. or meabe not but I'm dying soon in wg, unholy is ownage but when my minion die I'm hopeless. blood would be ownage but yeah, I suck at pvp. even in pvp gear, tought my furious set not full just need 1-2 pieces in it. have full t9 btw, soon getting first t10 piece, shoulders first for raiseing def.

lauantai 10. huhtikuuta 2010

ulduar epic failz but got weekly boss down

as I might mentioned earlier we got flame what ever down, 1th boss. and then 4th boss after 5 wipes. joined some casual raiding guild let's see if it fitts me better. ( I'm actually up for hardcore raiding guild, but meabe not yet ). so nothing new for today etc.

ulduar epic fail & searchin a new guild

ulduar was epic failz, 1th boss did go down without wipes. but xt-002 didn't prob cos healers cld heal and we got undergeared and nobody did kill adds etc. think

I'm going to leave this guild even if I just got inv via a ulduar raid last week, which was with same grp almost and as fail, except that we did fail on ignis that time and he was hard to ot cos of lack of tacts even if they said they'll explain it. that dude speak so weird so I don't understand him at all so, no tacts comes clear.

so no ty for this grp ever again, if someone is on nagrand-eu feel free to inv me to your guild. want a guild with some raiding, prob gonna for while back to scalp hunters cos their nice as social guild.

btw the guild name is horde retribution, lolz if anyone even cared about it.

perjantai 9. huhtikuuta 2010

ulduar today

ulduar today, full run. hope everything goes fine. want the weekly boss down atleast. and some gear from there ofc. 1h til the raid, so I spend it questing cos still haven't the epic flying skill. tought got dualspecc to unholy, which is nice to tank beside blood. and unholy is ownage in pvp.

perjantai 2. huhtikuuta 2010

withdraw of my month

haven't writed in a while, but I have gotten lvl80. and got full tier9, and my gs is like 4k. I have accomplished some achievements, and got patient title. now just for the explorer title before cata :D

lauantai 6. maaliskuuta 2010

wolf mounts

hah what wonderful none swift+normal wolfs there are.
pvp: horn of the black war wolf: marks: 30 AB, 30 AV, 30 WSG "from Raider Bork  inside the Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar"
and 100% speed
orgrimmar wolf: 100 Champion's seal and 100% speed
swift horde wolf: "100% drop from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest, found after a Horde raid completes the 10 man Trial of the Crusade" & 100% speed 
pvp: horn of the frostwolf howler: marks: 50 AV

maanantai 1. maaliskuuta 2010

no elder titel + random ofc

might be I don't get the elder title = it requires lvl80. lol fail, but I try to do as much as possible and lvl then. anyway wanting heirlooms, so priests talents is comming here disc & holy.

disc: 71/00/00:
holy: 00/71/00:

if I get fast lvl15 without heirlooms, I doubt it, I'll start lvling without them, have now about 24 triumphs, so soon I get anyway heirlooms, if I fight me up to lvl80.

ah getting the cold weather flying bind to account then too, so I can fly with less money to get world explore and faster lvling. costs just 1000g, otherwice wld cost 5000g training and 100-200g for mount. and that at lvl70, cold weather at lvl68 for alts.

going to try lvl my dk FAST to lvl80, really need it, heirlooms. lol only cloth goes, but who cares. that's why I'm only buying cloth heirlooms, and that about takes 80 emblems. + 1000g for mount, which stacks with the 225 flying skill. horray, bind to account ! priest is too going to be tailor + skinning, just with other specialication.

got 3 tailors: all gonna have diff specialication, so they get specialigation when everyone is 60+, and have full 450 for tailoring.
pala lvl23: primal mooncloth tailoring
dk lvl74: shadoweave tailoring
priest lvl3: spellweave tailoring

and horray for tailoring with priest, I can use cloth, lol, and I can only use cloth forever. and now my all alts can have frostweave bags from thee beginning. meabe I'll make the hard 1-2 weeks glacial bags for my main = dk.

1. main : dk lvl74 be female
2/3. main : priest lvl3 be male
2/3. main : pala lvl23 be female
4. main = ex-main : shaman lvl56 orc male

sunnuntai 28. helmikuuta 2010

pvp & leveling with heirlooms

wsg = everone running to take flag or defending base
ab = running to capture flags or defending flags

and I'm going to start healing in pvp, easy when you know you love pvp, and down pretty damn well what you do as "dps" there. you know where you supposed to heal. and I think I need to be priest for this, it's the best choice.

in wsg & ab
1. heal yourself, get mana like hell (if they attack you, which they will so you stop healing you team), so they can't kill you and don't start hate your team (or stop healing them) for dying.
WSG: 2. heal the flag carrier
AB:  2. heal the flag capturer, when he's capturing them, don't let them threat him/her so (s)he can capture it = kill them
3. heal everyonelse that needs it, I'm sure their appreciate it. I did atleast appreciate it, one druid was healing me.
4. help killing allys = enemies
(5. pick insignas = you get money as from normal mobs)

so it's easy, before lvl80, you'll get exp for it, less than from dung, but this is super fun. and you'll get honor & marks.

I'm myself wanna get deadly gladiators for this, and tier 10 for heroics & normal dungs. and yes I'm buying first heirlooms, then tier 10.

I planned to just take the exp boost heirlooms to spare emblems.
I startedd a priest a few days ago, actually my cousin wanted to be in party eith me, but she desided she get better exp without it, so I leaved my priest there at lvl 2/3. got a druid lvl 10/11 too.

priest be lvl2/3 -> dualspecc: holy / disc
druid tauren lvl10/11 -> dualspecc: feral / resto
pala be lvl 23 -> dualspecc: prot / holy
mage be lvl 17 frost ( lol for portals ? still hating )
warlock undead lvl11 (suppose this one is going to be deleted, or then I like the minions alot and lvl it or then I make a be of it) demonology
hunter be lvl17 bm (ownage pvp, rogues are more ownage but hate them too much to lvl one, and my cousin love
druid & warrior taurens lvl12/13 -> getting deleted soon
almost forgot my ex-main:
shaman orc lvl56 -> dualspecc: resto / elemental

and almost everyone that grped with me when I'm still frost know dk tanks can be damn good.

I was reading the heirloom page in wowwiki, and realized that their skill based and not class based, so it's cloth for everyone. happyhour, right, I'm insane. better than no stats, lol.

[Tattered Dreadmist Mantle] 10% and [Tattered Dreadmist Robe] 10%, no intellect but who cares. stamina is amazing. and some normal items. lol
that means I just need 80 emblems to it, good I got already 14 of it, lol.

raiding & some achiev stuff

did on thurday for the horde, got the awesome mount, was lvl73 at the point, got disconnected twice. and died once.

I did go alone to if & sw for ally elders ( got third one from for the horde raid ), none allys were attacking me, died cos of guards, twice in if, fourth in sw ( wouldn't have prob died there if I wld have tank gear on ).

today I did with my guildies and two other guys ( one from same guild as my cousin, and their really good = yes, I'm jealousy as hell to her ) Zul Gurub, tryed bwl, got stuck -> we leaved, or actially we got stuck when trying to get to one guildie attunement, I got it already + jenkins so I'm ok with it.

got a new friend from omen raid, did kill him 7man. that was on thursday aswell.

4 more raids left for classic raider: MC, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, BWL.

and from classic dungeonmaster I did sw stockades while in sw, and gnomeregan (where I got stuck) before I got to if & deadmines while in wetlands explorin, did wc today too, for skinning: sfk, uldaman, st
sfk I did once for skinning, sm once & boosted one guy there too, strat I did while still with some from omen raid. so left is only: rfc, bfd, rfk, rfd, zf, mara, brd, lower brs, dire maul, scholomance (have starte q chain, but not finished it)

going to lvl for a while hopeful. cyaz for now

perjantai 26. helmikuuta 2010

best leveling

let's write about the fastest way to level. which is dungeons and if someone's boosting you and you got all exp heirlooms, then your gonna level fast as hell.

I'm not that far again
* gotta cancel and get new subscription to my second account ( acitally it's my primary account and my only account, this atm account I'm playing is my cousins second account, she made it for her zhevra mount and it's good she isn't canceling it + I'm not telling my own account works, cos otherways she might cancel this account ).
* gotta get to lvl80, and get ANY triumphs, about 80, to get there I gotta do random dungeon everyday, all of them where you can get triumphs.

lol the slowest and funniest = the wayy I enjoy to lvl is pvp, with heirlooms it's even faster. and then questin at same, and doing daily heroic & normal. so there we get lvl slow, but nicely.  I'm gotting to write a post about nonamee's planning gear and about pvp'ing with her.

oh btw I want to a pvp server, with alot of horde guys, but Nagrand is okay, cos we always win and so (ofc it wld not change, cos it's realm wide, but we wld win wintergrasp). I hatee pve realms, nobody wants to pvp me when I want too, lol.

about professions

let's see about ALL primary profession, and which characters have and what ( and which is going to get it )

Randed: skinning (300) + leatherworking (280?)
Nonamee: skinning (leveling atm) + tailoring (leveling atm)
Huntereed: skinning (?) + ?
Nonameed: enchanting (?) + tailoring (?)
Generál: herbalism (?) + Inscription (?)

gathering: Herbalism, Mining & Skinning
other: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking & Tailoring

what I don't have yet:  Alchemy, Blacksmithing & Engineering + mining
Mining I acitally don't have for that reason that I always forget to train it.

someone said he lvled from skinning 1-375 in 4 days, I lvled from 22/23-200 in one day.

tiistai 23. helmikuuta 2010

blog name change

I really should chang this blogs name to something, but I don't know yet what, it's something druid-pala-dk doing or is it something to do with something else. Haven't got on something nice, let's see when it changes Lol I changed it to tank&healer whore (jenkins), lol that's what I really am.

maanantai 22. helmikuuta 2010

planning on a druid

I hate druids, cos of rage ( yes I have a warrior too, so meabe this is a good idea ), and I'm going to roll a druid, I hate taurens, their so big and so, so no mount for me before lvl40 and I'm seriosly about that, I can run as cat and in other forms. Slower but better than nothing ofc. Going to roll a new druid, don't like that ones name that is on lvl10.

Gonna dualspecc him on lvl40: resto & feral, going to roll feral before resto, lol it really dosn't matter which I start with.

This is what my resto tree gonna look like:
and feral tree:

this computer dosn't show the whole glyph list so that is going to be modified later on. then on til heirlooms: (pve items cos stone shards isn't my thing)
[Preened Ironfeather Shoulders] : 40 EoH / 60 CS
[Preened Ironfeather Breastplate] : 40 EoH / 60 CS
[Devout Aurastone Hammer] / [Venerable Mass of McGowan] : 50 EoH / 75 CS / 40 EoH / 75 CS
[Discerning Eye of the Beast] & [Swift Hand of Justice] : 50 EoH / 75 CS & 50 EoH / 75 CS
= 40+40+50/40+50+50 = 180 + 40/50 = EoH = about 2 EoH's / day = 90days +  20-25 days.
but you can purchase ANY emblem to heroism, so that means it's going to be ALOT faster. now about 10 triumphs = 10 heroism's then already. slowly, slowly I get this doned. So alot of rolling on my dk, endly my avatars going to just to be heroism collectors or meabe tier 9 / 10 collectors ( frost, triumph ).
= 60+60+75+75+75/75 = 335 = CS ( no I'm not going to get CS ever, so dream on )
[Dread Pirate Ring] : quest reward
[Tome of Cold Weather Flight] : 1k:g

lauantai 20. helmikuuta 2010

something random again

no weekly raid, no way this is unfair. but we got a new GM, from Jinkler to Farasy, wait I search him from wowHeroes or wowArmory. He is putting our ranking, with lvls, so it's 0-19, 20-39, 40-49, 60-79, 80 (or something like that, atleast: 0-19, 60-79 & 80 ) cos the last bank tab is only to lvl80.s, just 9lvls to go. And then there are ofc officer and GM.

was bored with my DK, so I did first play with my pala --> got bored ( cos I sucked at tanking with her ), did go play with my shaman, it's was ok, but longlong quenue time for healing -> did go back to play with my loved DK, then I did go to nexus, get achiev, and forbidden to go to the computer today ( yes, I'm on another computer now, but with this I can't play wow cos it dosen't use exe file, and I don't find anywhere the right file to use exe files ). So I'm into DK again, can't do the love achiev, but I can then do it next year, or so on.

can't wait to do heroics, could do TBC heroics, but not into get honored. so that's not a choice atm. still on lvl71, sucks. in dragonblight atm.

my own account started to work, so now just waiting those ppls to buy WOTLK, and paying the monthly fee. so then I can easy boost my self, the 30lvl pala ( 28 actially ), and invite her to the guild, and say she's my main on my other account. Then I go with her & DK ALL the classic dungeon's, then go throught ALL the TBC dungeons, normal- & heroic-modes. The pala prob get lvl fast that way, cos she gets all the exp, and their elites, so it's at lvl30: 300exp / mob / grp ( x4 when she gets all exp ), lvl60: 700xp / mob / grp ( x4 solo exp ), lvl70: 1k-exp / mob / grp ( x4 solo exp ). so that means that she'll lvl VERY FAST, don't know if I get that much exp that I think, but we'll see that then. then we go to WOTLK dungeons, but I don't think I can solo them, so we'll see about that part then. I'm not going to screw my life = going with them grp to dung, I need to focus on one char, and that way I wouldn't. but we'll see how far I get with that tactic. so meabe I get lvl60 when I go to TBC dung and so on. lol, and those exp is if your at right lvl, so lower lvl = more exp.

lol I'm just writing when have something to write about, just so you know ( prob nobodys reading this, but anyway )

sunnuntai 14. helmikuuta 2010


the raid BWL didn't work out cos everyone who weren't lvl80 + some lvl80's to, weren't atuned with BWL ( I wasn't either ), so we did today ( on sunday ) UBRS. And about 5 lvl60's and 1 lvl80 got atuned with BWL so we're going to BWL some day, and this time it will work out, it was better even this time when they organized it right, they should do that in the future. And they're putting invites in local no more as a leveling guild, but as a guild that need lvl80's, perhaps soon as a raiding guild ( cos that is what we're doing anyway ).

I got from UBRS raid, it's dungeon achievement and JENKINS-title, I feel like heaven on earth or something, I accoplishied something big. I'm so happy, my cousin has her Ambassador title, but it's very easy to get, you just need to lvl1-10 quests and meabe some higher lvl quests and then sell some silk to a vendor.

Oh btw having atm 500g. And cos it's a VERY BIG differense beetween TBC and WOTLK dungeons, I can't tank anymore, I need ALOT of defence and I have the basic = 353 or something like that.

tanks need: stamina ( you need it always no mather what job, but as tank it's important ), defense ( this is the importantest, if you don't have it you can't tank, I did realaize it to day )
Miss, parry, dodge, block ( defence incraces then, nothing to very about if you got defence ). Oh and ofc I don't do anything with block, I'm a dk, can't use a shield.

writing up what I should do to be better dk tank:
dark command ( lol used at every target that is under 100% threat anytime as it's avaible )
death grip ( I'm using it as the threat genreation in beginning, that's the way I gonna keep it )
strangulate ( have same effect as death grip but don't generate threat )
mind freeze ( when dps'es forgot to do it )
I get army of the dead at lvl80, so I gonna use it then to, it's kinda good if your about to wipe.

icy touch - mind freeze ( for  powerful attacks with long casting time ) - death strike - strangulate ( mages to the tank )-   death pact ( should have this gotta check my spellbook that I haven't forgot anything else - for healing ) - icebound fortitude - anti-magic spell ( useful for to powerful attacks which require running away ) - chains of ice

and defence shoudl be 535

gonna respecc cos I need alot money to dualspecc, which I prob. not needing anyway, so why not spend them on another better way. I had a hard time to decide which talents to put point in cos they all almost was un-nessesary in blood talent tree.

Toughtness 5/5 (frost)
lichborne 1/1 (frost)
improved frost presence 2/2 (frost)
unbrakable armor 1/1 (frost)
= frost 30

morbidity 3/3 (unholy) this is excatly the spell I need.
anticipation 5/5 (unholy)
unholy command 2/2 (unholy)
on a pale horse 2/2 (unholy)
wandering plague 3/3 (unholy)

blade barrier 5/5 (blood)
veteran of the third war 3/3 (blood)
vampiric blood 1/1 (blood)
will of the necropolis 3/3 (blood)

and they say I shouldn't have bloodworms, mark of blood and rune tap.
just going to say, I'm not giving up any of them even if they then are pvp talents, they're greate, and have stopped many wipes.

lol nonono this dosen't dork at all let's dualspecc:
blood: what I have now
frost + unholy:

prob. gonna then use the frost + unholy more.

lauantai 13. helmikuuta 2010

heirlooms and some other toughts

my cousin is now lvl68, and I'm 67. and she gets a cold weather flying mount and I don't, so gotta get fast lvl77 so I can go to dalaran and get my love is in the air achievement done, have excactly a week time to lvl, and lunar is beginning to day, so I can do those now too, it takes just a half hour about those every day, I think so I can do at the same when I lvl. shattrah city might help some, now in shadowmoon valley so I could kill right lvl mobs ( yes they have just 6k health and I have atleast 8k, and when they have 6k they are lvl 68-69, I think they're low lvl ). so with dungeons I'm going to lvl fast, and go to nothrend today, have about 500k til lvl, so gotta go as tank even if I would fail, as long as they don't cast me out, I tank, and wipes don't stop me ( yes, I'm going to leave before every wipe, so I could lvl fast, so hope there's no wipes - hate them, so expensive for everybody ).

was coming to write what my other avatars need when I hit lvl80 and buy the WHOLE set to them. yes, I'm going to spend ALOT of emblems on my other avatars. why not ? what faster lvl, that better, and ppls coming to enjoy faster dungeon runs. AND then I can wipe as much I want until I hit lvl80, cos you don't need to repair them.

AND obviosly this DK is my favorit, cos she's the only one who I'm doing these achievements with, so she's my new main, the idea of doing her was to lvl fast, but I'm going to make her gearscore 5k and so later on.

now to heirloom "build" for my other avatars:

Generál (female be mage lvl16 frost):
[Tattered Dreadmist Mantle]
[Tattered Dreadmist Robe]  
40 Emblem of Heroism / 60 Champion's Seal 
[Dignified Headmaster's Charge]
65 Emblem of Heroism / 95 Champion's Seal
Nonameed (female be pala lvl23 prot):
[Polished Spaulders of Valor]
[Stained Shadowcraft Tunic]
40 Emblem of Heroism / 60 Champion's Seal

Huntereed (female be hunter lvl17 bm):
[Champion Herod's Shoulder] 
[Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate]
40 Emblem of Heroism / 60 Champion's Seal
[Charmed Ancient Bone Bow] 

65 Emblem of Heroism / 95 Champion's Seal

second main: Randed (male orc shaman lvl56 resto):
[Mystical Pauldrons of Elements]
[Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate] / [Mystical Vest of Elements]
40 Emblem of Heroism / 60 Champion's Seal

 gonna list here what same they have and what I need to buy just once:
[Dread Pirate Ring] - q. reward
[Swift Hand of Justice] - 50 Emblem of Heroism / 75 Champion's Seal 
[Discerning Eye of the Beast] - 50 Emblem of Heroism / 75 Champion's Seal 

Randed + Nonameed:

[Devout Aurastone Hammer]  - 50 Emblem of Heroism / 75 Champion's Seal

I think I gonna use the same heirlooms as many times I can, saving my emblems and time like that then. 

gonna dualspecc this dk to frost, and dual specc randed to elemental. nonameed to holy.

lol almost all my charas that I have done is female, and I'm myself a female, lol I'm bi, and I supposed you really can see that. be females and males too are just so hot. love 'em.

going to take to them heirlooms of the main specc, meabe to dualspecc too some day.

torstai 11. helmikuuta 2010

BWL at saturday

so out guild is having a raid in blackwind lair at saturday, I think it's localtime, and it's 19.00. and to me it's 1h earlier or later than that, gotta check. so happy, my first raid. put accept in calender. at least 10ppls is coming. we got about 25 80's in our guild, it's a leveling guild but obviosly going to raiding, and I LOVE that guild. soso. good for me. I think I go DPS there, my tank gear sucks even if it's white for lvl65, it's a raid afterall.

and atm I'm in hellfire peninsula, waiting on my cousin so we can do FAST all areas till nagrand, cos it's there we should be atm. or meabe I do them alone fast, or try just to do dungeons fast. haven't done all quests in hellfire peninsula so I'm seachin them there and doing them.

IRL I can't do communication. In WoW I've had max 5 groups where they haven't be alot of speacking in it.

keskiviikko 10. helmikuuta 2010

playing with my dk and loving it

playing with my dk, get in about 3min to tanking, gotta get lvl before my cousin, she has heirlooms so she IS going to lvl 20% faster, so I have to catch her always, but by otherside I'm going to get a little more xp than normally  groupin cos she's going to be higher lvl. and I won't get bored lvlin', just waiting to her to finnish all the tallmar q.s, whitch I've done already, actially they are lvl 61-63 and I was there at those lvls but they seem low lvl to me, even if they're yellow. I want fast further in outland to get more xp and so. Wan't 70.

I was in mana tombs yesterday, they we're a 70 druid cat ( resto & ferl ) and his threat growed allways he got threat, and he sawed wiped cos he had 10k threat ( threated 13.5k ), then some SMART guy asks why the tank has ( me, had about 9k & lvl64 ) has less health than the cat, and I answered that the cat was lvl70, and I'm just wondering don't they ever look what lvl your dungonmats are, cos I do always look their lvl, health and mana and so at first, so I know what to exect from them. And if ther is going to wipes. It works if there is another dk, if that person do put D&D he SHOULD expect some threat, cos it's what it give, I've been using it mainly, cos haven't really time to put anything else when the do their job, so he kinda is a offtank when he uses it, if he DON'T want threat he shouldn't use it and should use blood-whatever-it-names-was-prestence-perhaps?.

Oh I got so good memory again.
Oh when I do dps, ( I really shouldn't search as dps but I do it still, cos I'm a DK ) I always complaining everything I don't like about the tank, sometimes about the healer to and so. I usually have you know about 7k, without buffs, they buff me and it's up to 9k. It's very good. And that's why I should do further from outlands, lvl63 q.s.

Still it would be nice to heal, but you can't heal with a DK ( except little on your self ), it's good but I still hate it. to used to heal. I know, I'm good at it. so I can judge very well when other ppls doing it.

Pplz always speak about ( have been with some, sometimes we don't even kick em, if someone is AFK I usually try to kick that ppls until I can do it, cos I hate to be slow in dung AND I'm NEVER patient ). And I've been rounding around what if I would be a afk-tank. slighty impossible.  But I hate when ppls don't listen even at the tank. badbad, tank is the DG usually. listen to TANK, ppls.

AND my guild is doing raids, but I can only at friday-sunday go there, and not sure if I get there at sundays. but anyway it's 60+. Getting then raid-experience. But I already know, I'm going to rock in raids. I know alot of them, even if I haven't raid. And my cousin is the opposite, have raided, suck at it. I borned to raid, I think. Can go there even as DPS. just thinking is it 10 or 25man. Anyway I want to be main or off tank, or dps. Don't really care, I just wanna se how it works for a lvling guild. Some lvl80.s still there, meabe I stay to. I can get raids by my self, don't need a guild to that.

Oh and my cousin got the patient title, she thought have already ambassador. AND she is not a achievement whore, she dosen't care about doing the love is in the air achievements, when I want lvl80 this week ( and I'm not going to get it ) to do the achievement, or I at least want to dalran ( probably not geting there either this week, so sad, so sad ) .

torstai 4. helmikuuta 2010

planning the future

now it's reinstalled everything working and so, but it's so late so I don't have time to play. soso. checking under 10lvl accounts and deleting them. some over 10lvl might be deleted to. cousin said I could do that. yeah so now waiting that my own account will start working. soso then I'm happy when my own account works, hope get to lvl80 a dk before that so I can then boost my lvl30 pala.

keskiviikko 3. helmikuuta 2010

fuck I'm stupid

had downloaded the US not EU and now I got to REINSTALL whole WoW it takes ages. but my cousin is playing with randed which is good, but she's absolutely taking the wrong gear, I know it already. she's just that kinda person. hope she dosn't sell my loved axes and so, one is actially epic and unnecessary but I love it anyway. she HAVE done something, guess what my mana regen were 130 now it is 105.  OR then I've been doing something meabe it's there still. don't know can check tommorrow.

ou god, she didn't equipp something good, but she did equipp something that make the manaregen 101. 

classes & jobs

writing today about dueifferent classes ( rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight ) and jobs ( tank, dps & healer ). might be that I publish this later and writing on it all the time or then just writing short and many times and in many posts.

let's start with the jobs. and I have no knowing about how it works in raid but I got ideas, but not telling them until I done some raiding. gonna tell you what that job i supposed to do and what now, and when it's that jobs fault or someone elses fault.

- are supposed to do threat, and healers are supposed to heal them and not the
- are NOT supposed to do damage, or dps or anything close to that, it's fault if tank do all the threat and damage. and if someone elses doing all the threat and ur all the damage, it's ur or the fault, depends on the situtation
- if ur alive everyone ok, if ur now but everyone is, it's the rest of groups fault, but it might be ur fault depending on what u did.
- tank classes: paladin, death knight, warrior, druid

DPS ( yes I hate DPS and love tank & healers = have noting to say about )
- are supposed to do damage, NOT THREAT.
- it's ur fault if tank do all the damage.and it's ur fault if u the only alive.
dps classes: all classes = rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight

- the ONLY thing ur should do is healing AND be good at it, but ur anyway hearing the ppl say u suck and are u healing or not, and so on. just don't listen to them. ur good as long nobody dies and ( like I usually do ) can save them at anytime even if they all be almost dead. shamans can save with their totems ( happenend in dire maul to me, magma -> mobs died, and I & hunter were only alive ).
- healer classes: shaman, druid, priest, paladin

writing later on about the classes. And I haven't played a rogue, druid or priest. DK starting to play now. Mage up til lvl16, warlock haven't ever commed up even to 10, paladin played up to lvl30, warrior I've played up tp 25 or so, hunter played up til 17lvl, shaman I've played up to 55 and still going on. Shaman & DK is the classes I love and playing atm. Have a hunter and a paladin too, and lvling them but not at the moment. It's going to be short about those I haven't played but I've write some of it.

rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight

now I have time to write this when wow says this ... :  repairing now, and se if it works after it. okay, repair check but gonna repair then if theres something to repair.

- I've never played, but DPS class and good DPS class for leveling.
- speccs: DPS: Assassination, Combat & Sublety

- never played, very good healer, and a healer & dps class. not so good at leveling.
- speccs: DPS: Discipline, Shadow & healer: Holy

- played, like it, fast at lvling cos of their can be tanks, dps.s and healers
- got nice spells and ALOT of them, alot of buffs to: might, wisdom, kings.
- some judgements. and auras & seals.
- speccs: tank: protection, DPS: retribution & healer: holy
- it's not really a good idea to be specced holy as a paladin IMO.

- played, now at lvl55, love it, sometimes kinda slow, when u don't get to dungeon. slow at normal leveling. pwns usually, even in dungoens. dps & healer. as healer very good, as dps alot less good.
- speccs: DPS: elemental, echantment & healer: restoration
- I recomment to specc helaer with a shaman, with dual specc off specc would go good to chose elemental.

- played at lvl17 now, with pet pwnage. only dps, fast at leveling, but slow cos it's dps. pet can tank.
- speccs: DPS: beast master, survival, markmanship
- I supposed hunter would pwnage in PvP

- played but not much, with minion pwange. only dps, fast at leveling, but slow cos it's dps. minion can tank.
- speccs: DPS:

- only dps, slows leveling. I'm at lvl16 now, like it. good dps, leveling kinda slow.
- speccs: DPS: arcane, frost, fire

- haven't played get, but love it anyway. fucking good as tank. can dps too. runic power.
// edit. played it and their ARE good as tank as long u let their spells do their 30-35sec cooldown ( u can't speed cooldown, it sucks ). and as long as only tank tanks it's AWESOME.
- speccs: DPS & TANK: frost, blood & unholy.
mainly. blood: DPS&tank. frost: tank. unholy: DPS

Yes, this were very short, but I just wanted to point my opinion and so. easier to me to choose class to come read here than search in my brains for a while.

tiistai 2. helmikuuta 2010

WOTLK & message to blizz

my cousin buyed the WOTLK and now updating it. and I send a message to blizz about my old account and that I want it to working again.

Gonna do now to a other realm a dk as tank(&dps), with dual specc ( frost & blood) and a other dk tank(&dps) with unholy ( and without dual specc ). So I get fast to raiding, so I going to lvl that first one fast to lvl80. tanks get fast dungeons and so. + doing the start q.s anyway. I'm so happy atm. On the top on my world, which is VERY unusual for me, I'm kinda narsisstic but I control it usually well. so now problems there. WoW helps ALOT.

just changed my mind the dual specced is going to be that alone blood and the otherone frost & unholy

maanantai 1. helmikuuta 2010

inspiration again to Randed

got inspiration to play with Randed again. he's now lvl54. soon 55 and then my cousin will by the wotlk. happyhappyhappy now, except that my mom is on 2 weekc vacation so have less time to play.

torstai 28. tammikuuta 2010

loving pvp and leveling a hunter

I falled in love with pvp. Just realized how greate pvp is so I'm now leveling up a hunter ( yes again a new char - I'm an altoholic ). It's a be femal, atm lvl12 and have a cat as pet. And I'm planing to lvl her fast to 80, so I get herlooms to Randed & Nonameed. Readed that hunter and beastmastery is the fastest way to lvl, and I think already it's kinda nice and fast, so see how it goes. Really like this, even if I'm not a hunter fan. I'm going to search a guild when I'm lvl80 ( then It's going to be a raid), if I don't find in general / local / trade channel one before that. And about pvp is that u can't do anything alone there so the pet is perfect to have there. I'm not going to spend any money on her achievements cos I'm gonna lvl her all the time so I hit 80 FAST, okay when I hit 55 I'll ask mu cousin to bue the WOTLK. and then lvling to 80. let's se how fast I hit lvl80.

haa my hunter is in armory, good. I'm going to look how fast I lvl from yesterday: 19.00-00.00 I got lvl12, okay I played with Randed and Nonameed that time too so.

leveling - part 5 - 50-60lvl ( atm lvl50 )

so I got lvl50, finally today. so now fast to lvl60 to make this intresting and to get my cousin to buy WOTLK to this account, it's actially her second account, but she dosen't play with it so, I play for free, and it's like it where my account. ( oh btw got 100g / 1000g - wan't dual spec - checking on glyphs at lvl80 ).

50-60lvl: felwood ( 48-55lvl ), un'goro crater ( 48-55lvl ), burning steppes ( 50-58lvl ), western plaguelands ( 51-58lvl ), eastern plaguelands ( 53-60lvl ), winterspring ( 53-60lvl ), deadwind pass ( 55-60lvl ), silithus ( 55-60lvl )

gonna make with western plaguelands and dungeons lvl53 fast, then go to winterspring. something inspirating for a change.

maanantai 25. tammikuuta 2010

leveling - part 4 - 40-50lvl ( atm from 48-50lvl )

 so Searing Gorge was suggested at 46-48, I'm 48 and have just 40k to lvl49. so it's worth a try.

then we have the other areas to:  
feralas, tanaris desert, searing gorge ( 43-50lvl ), the hinterlands ( 45-50lvl ), the blasted lands ( 45-55lvl ), azhara ( 45-55lvl ). feralas don't work, tanaris desert goes, where there earlier. it's gotta be easy, fast and experienced.  azhara & the blasted lands sounds good. meabe I go there first. first I'm going to check what q.s I got in tanaris and what I can do about it. going to do some in hinterlands too, cos have some q.s from there. hmm... then I might go to lvl50->. and that''s in the part 5 then. let's just see how this works out.

1. tanaris & the hinterlands
2. azhara -> the blasted lands

( btw now just 30k to 49lvl --- now 10k left --- jeij got the lvl )

when I got randed lvl80. I'm going to buy to my pala herlooms so everything goes faster. and when I hit 80lvl with randed, I'm very rich. I know it already. I'm good at high lvl stuff, but not on low lvl stuff.

continuing tomorrow again. cya for to night.

abadoned the hinterlands q.s so  not going there. ( going to just quick turing in the jammal the prophet and discovering the covered areas of the map ). thousen needles and booty bay needs a quick visit too. going to take tanaris now, so there's zero q.s on there and then going to org for ah and mail box, then going to go to thousen needles -> the hinterlands and booty bay.

calm down - sry for u readers

so RFD can wait .... forever. Gonna go SFK for medium leather ( and gonna get some light leather and then make them medium leather ). Gonna go Blackrock Depths - lower city, it's lvl range 47-57. And I'm 47 atm. Which is nice. Jesus, my coudin leveling a new character again ? she's not one her other ones atm. or I don't know, cos I don't have them all in my friendlist just the ones, that. Oh shit she's ON that ONE. hah. DUNGEON-time. jeejeee. finally got time to that. lol. I'm a little bit messy today. Espesially about writing in this blog. BRD - lower city for achievement and then random. uuu there's no more SM in LFG tool. Maraudon + Zul'Farrak + ST + BRD - lower city. their all good, even if I don't like maraudon much it's a good place. atm I'm spending alot of my money on LW, to get medium leather, got heavy leather already, and their more intresting to get and so. Thick is what I'm saving on, til I get right lvl in LW. hah my health is 2k. and my mana's 3k ( +400 when I use my "dungeon" headgear - I use other one out of dungeon cos it looks better ). when I get LW and first aid 300. I'm going to just level, so I get lvl60 fast and then go to outland. LW: 165/300 - Skinning: 300/300 ( anyway I'm skinning ) - Cooking: 40/75 ( LOL - hate that skill ) - First aid: 266/300 ( almost 300 ) - fishing: 1/75 ( hate this too and being very lazy ) - riding: 150/150 ( as it should be ). even not all of my weapon skills are full, one is acitally 64/235. It's kinda roflmao. Taking RANDOM dungeon now, to bored to wait until otherways to get on. average is 13min atm. uuuu 3silks til 60, then I can use it to ummmmm. now I remember it REPUTATIONS to get ambassador. first I should do the q.s actially. but I'm so damn lazy. I just have 38 wools. from 60 wools. "Runecloth is a cloth item drop from humanoids in the 51-60 level range" - gotta buy it then, even if it's 7g / stack. to get first aid the best possible. and NOT selling the stuff made of it, so I don't need to buy some health. okay, I don't need healing stuff like that, I'm going to sell it. Jesus, I just got 40g anymore. have a few days ago 100g. but if do this now and then lvl, and then in outland do q.s aswell as dungeons. then I'll get money again, ofc when I got LW til 300. I can skinn and sell then skinns, that's the best way to get profit. Gotta get lvl50 to kill some runecloth guys, to bored to lvl3 lvls now. JUST 13lvls til 300. W0000T ! Now I'm sad, just 19g left. getting random dungeon atm. Think it's ST. Yeah, it is. doin 8 more heavy runecloths than i need. got the 300/300lvl. just got LW left to lvl. I'm saving thos 28 heavys. or okay about 5 of them. I'll but some money on LW. and I have this groups second best gearscore. today I'm taking alot of prntscreeens. WHY can't they be shut up. I'm ressing them ALWAYS. fail tank, very fail tank. groupleader tank and never done this dungeon. omg. idiot. 49lvl. that tank IS dying all the (fucking) time, actially now anymore. ur fucking dps, it's not my fault if u die. FUCKING IDIOTS, sorry no offence but u suck now me. perhaps I put some printscreens of it ? lol I don't have the best parts, like when he was saying he don't know where to go. 3min waiting. I could have done the dps part to, I have gear to that too. sparing this text to leter, gotta calm down now.

sory very messy, showing it to u anyway

would be perfect time to do searing gorge, BUT I want leatherworkin 300 and fast and leveling in dungeon. so there's no place for questing in a while, perhaps I do outland like normal = questing + dungeons there. So I get some gear too. hope I get some money fast, to train leatherworking, meabe I'll sell some of my thick lethers with I have saved. so I get some money and then get from dungeons more thick leather so it actially shouldn't mater. I so hate when everyone leaves dungeons, just cos of dying. I REALLY should push the leave party button everytime it starts be big troubles and I know their gonna leave, soon. But I usually now doing sososo. I hate ressurection sickness, didn't find the instance, so I got back to spirit healer and tuck ressurection sickness. lol. After the flight from searing gorge to undercity. I won't have anymore ressurection sickness, which is good, ofc.

found a VERY good way to make money - sell rugged leather.

lol wroted that yesterday (20.10.2010)
continuing today 21.10.2010. got some nice gear yesterday. they do NOT look good, but their good for my intellect. the days first wow loading are ALWAYS slow, but the rest of them works fast. ( as fast as it gets with those addons, it's kinda close to the normal without addons ). I'm showing this post to u when it looks good, and isn't this messy. and the otherone I'm showing u, when it's ok and have not so much aggro anymore. sometimes I get so much aggro ( okay, almost alway ) when I get casted out of the dungeon-group, and usually I haven't done anything wrong, if eating food dosn't count. I'm a good healer actially, and if all drop under 10% health at the same time I can't do anything til it. sry for my aggro. nothing personal.

lol taking up a new character with my coudin, who have a priest then at the same time.

lvling a pala for a change

leveling a female paladin now, first she's going to be tank meabe until lvl 80 or then I change her at some point to healer, don't know yet. lvl14 now, lvl15 I gonna go to dungeons as normally. just thinking where to lvl with dungeons. but the barrens and hillsbrad foothills are out of question. I'm think of leaving amani catacombs and rotten hearth quest undoned, cos I really hate them. but I could try the other places whitch I haven't tried yet, meabe I find some better place.

my last posts are very messy, I'm trying to clean them up here someday, so they would be readable.

now going back to black randed, cos my cousin hitted 80, and I'm VERY jealousy. that's not good at all. gonna play randed so I get 80 fast. gotta just find a way to lvl VERY FAST. about 10lvls and it gets alot more nicer to play. just 10llvs. or okay 12, but getting a lvl soon so. then it's 11lvls.

sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2010

about leveling & leatherworking

Again I'm NOT leveling. even if leveling is fast. about 1-2 dungeon / lvl and 1 dungeon / 1h. sosos leatherworking is what I'm doing, now about 145 or so. 148 exactly. skinning 300. lvl45 Randed.

tried out the yeti cave at Hillsbrad Foothills, but it feel slow and alot of running but they spwan fast. but not for me good. SFK is good to, so I would use it instead of Hillsbrad, Hillbrad sucks anyway. It's boring and feels slow. I wouldn't recomment it. going to duskwood now, trying it out. heard that worgens are alot and good to skinn to mediums. if it's now good, I might see about Stranglethorn Vale or then just go straight to SFK for solo.SFK is intresting so I wouldn't get bored there. actially this isn't about speed or anything, just about what's boring and what isn't. either I wouldn't recommend Stranglethorn for further than 40lvl. Cos it's starts then being boring. and slow. ( okei I don't know what is slow, cos I just know if it feels slow even if it would be fast ).

Dungeons are fast leveling and intresting leveling. Gonna explore duskwood now too, have to explore Tirisfal Glades, Mulgrore and Eversong Woods, and then get the reputation with them to exalted to be happy and get exploration and ambassador. duskwoods worgens are quite nice. I gonna look for some dungeons to solo now. Going to try BFD. might be good. I recommend SFK. Duskwoods worgens are ok, yeti cave isn't so good, but goes. Don't know if I gonna recommend RFD yet. If it's not good I go foor SFK nonstop or go and by it from AH ( it's kinda expensive).

I'll explore duskwood fast, go and take shower. And go to sleep so I don't get cut playing at the night. Duskwood is contested, but I don't believe that. or meabe that's cos there ARE alliance pvp who ARE killing u, and some of them are ?? lvls. I'm not atm into exploring it. Perhaps I go and pvp on alliance areas where are pvp guys up to lvl45. Or then I do at lvl80 and kill anybody I see on allance area. Going to leave myself to UC. Then going tomorrow to RFD trying and then to SFK.


torstai 14. tammikuuta 2010

wow armory

Randed orc shaman resto (41lvl: 14.10.2010 16.50)
From my old account.Didn't find it but in this guild it was. omg, there's just the leader. weird. ofc I can't log in with my old account.

writing in English

listen to much on english music + read english blogs about wow = I speak more english than finnish, I think again on english. lol. so I'm gonna writing in the future in english AND finnish. lol now I feel like writing on english so I do write on english. lololol. perhaps I spended to much time with my cousin cos I'm all the time saying lol. hah writing on english means you are gonna see a lot of my personality cos I write on the way gangstas speak, I act like the gangstas and speak in english like gangstas. deal with it and don't worry if I sound gangsta.

and I'm going to leveling a draenei dk, and before cataclysm comes so I have some gear + cash I can send to my my worgen dk or / and druid when cata comes.

/// edit. I STILL don't have getted the account.

keskiviikko 13. tammikuuta 2010

my world go under

shit. tartten ostaa uus wow boxi et saa sen wow accountin. voi vittu.

tiistai 12. tammikuuta 2010

random - tavotteista ja leveling sarjasta

huomenna tai tänään riippuu mitä tolla kahen pvn päästä tarkottaa. nii siis sillon saan sen uuden wow-accountin.  ja kait ki. uusin tavotteet samalla tässä, toi leveling osa ykköne on vähä lyhyt, pidennän sitä myöhemmi nyt writeen tätä. ömmm. uudellen nimeen sen viel. eli ne osat tulee tällein sitte:
osa 1 - 01-10lvl
osa 2 - 20-30lvl
osa 3 - 30-40lvl
osa 4 - 40-50lvl
osa 5 - 50-60lvl
osa 6 - 60-70lvl
osa 7 - 70-75lvl
osa 8 - 75-80lvl
kun cataclysm tulee niin: osa 9 - 80-85lvl

tuun myös kertoo et millä onnistunu / epäonnistunu / kokeiltu noi levelaamiset.

* (fe)male pala be, prot specillä lvl80, tank
* male pala be, retr specillä lvl80, dps
* male pala be, heal specillä lvl80, healer

* male dk be, frost specillä lvl80, dps / & tank
* male be dk, unholy specillä lvl80, dps / & tank
* male be dk, blood specillä lvl80, dps / & tank

hah en oo varma noist dk.ista viel, varmaa ku tommoset talent treet on nii varmaaa vast 80lvlil katon et onko dps vai tank. mitä luultavammin kaikista tulee dps. ja toi tank pala tulee varmaan oleen female, mut oon ajatellu et maleks kelpaa kans. saattaa olla et healeris tulee female kans. dps.t on itella must to be male, en tiie miks. ehkäpä tosta blood speccistä tulee female. ei sitä ikinä tiie.

Leveling - osa 4 (lvl 40-50)

hah. joo siis tästä meinaan writee tositosi paljon et varmana muistan mis kannattaa ja mis ei. heheh, muisti on surkee etet. mut siis ainkaan Searing Gorge kannattaa vasta 46-48, enne sitä aika turha mennä, heh kokeilin joo questit aukee kait 43.sellä jo ku 46-48lvlinen paikka on.

jatkan tätä myöhemmin ku oon saanu vähä lisää infoo tost paikast jne. kokeilin ton lvl41 shamanilla.

sunnuntai 10. tammikuuta 2010

wow account awaits 2 days

ja uuden wow accountin saan vasta 2pvn päästä. jeeje. :)


hah. alotin nyt oman blogin ihan wowille että on kaikki elämänsuunnat eri blogeissa, mese, virt.maailma ja wow. joista varmaan wow tärkein ja se mistä olen eniten riippuvainen. täällä onkin aikasemmin kirjoitetut wow jutut jos jotakin kiinnostaa, jos joku nyt lukee tätä ylipäätänsä. latauskaan ei ole edistyny kun pari prosenttia. editoin tähän kun olen saanu wowin täysin asennettua. ja millon saan ne tavotteet tehtyä.

* female pala be, prot specillä lvl80
* male pala be, retr specillä lvl80
* dk male be, frost specillä lvl80
* male pala be, heal specillä lvl80
* male be dk, unholy specillä lvl80
+ ehkä vielä jos huvittaa niin
* male be dk, blood specillä lvl80
ja nää pitäis saada ennen vataa joku tulee kait joskus kesällä kuulema 18kk jälkeen eli joskus heinäkuussa 2010. kai siinä ehtii 4-5 saada 80lvl. dungeoneilla + questeilla pääsee aika hyvin lvl40. ainaki be pala.t vedän minne questit ohjaa lvl20. koska siellä on aika hyvät levelaukset nopeesti. ja sitten siitä dungeons lvl40. sitte siitä eteenpäin täytyy miettii mut dungeoneilla pääsee hyvin.
mut siinä kait sitte s. vale + dustwallow march on hyvii alueita. stonetalon mountain +20lvl.

äh listaan vaa tähä et lvlin mukaan mitkä alueet on hyvät tai ei hyvät vaan ettei tartte tota karttaa katella kokoaja jos noi on esillä.

20-30lvl: redridge mountains ( 15-25lvl, et voi tsekkaa onks q.ita ja discoveraaa se. unohin melkee needlessin se o hyvä mut melkee unohin sen. ), the barrens ( vihaan barrensia, niiin hidas paikka, -> 25lvl ), stonetalon mountains ( -> 27lvl ), ashenvale, hillsbrad foothills ( tätäki vihaan, niin hankala ), wetlands, duskwood, thousen needles ( 25-35lvl )
30-40lvl: alterac mountains, arathi highlands, badlands ( muistaakseni tääl ei oikeestii oo kauheesti mtn vaik onki 35-45lvl, ellei ne sit ollu booty bayssä ne kaikki q.t ), stanglethorn vales (->lvl45, hidas paikka), swap of sorrows ( en oo käyny enkä kuullu, aion käydä ja sehän onki sit 35-45lvl ), desolace, dustwallow marsh
40-50lvl: feralas, tanaris desert, searing gorge ( 43-50lvl ), the hinterlands ( 45-50lvl ), the blasted lands ( 45-55lvl ), azhara ( 45-55lvl )
50-60lvl: felwood ( 48-55lvl ), un'goro crater ( 48-55lvl ), burning steppes ( 50-58lvl ), western plaguelands ( 51-58lvl ), eastern plaguelands ( 53-60lvl ), winterspring ( 53-60lvl ), deadwind pass ( 55-60lvl ), silithus ( 55-60lvl )
60-70lvl: outland: Hellfire Penninsula: 58-63lvl, Zangar Marsh: 60-64lvl, Terokkar Forest: 62-65lvl, Nagrand: 64-67lvl, Blade's Edge Mountains: 65-68lvl, Netherstorm: 67-70lvl, Shadowmoon Valley: 67-70lvl
70-80lvl: northrend: Borean Tundra: 68-72lvl, Howling Fjord: 68-72lvl, Dragonblight: 71-74lvl, Grizzly Hills: 73-75lvl, Zul'Drak: 74-77lvl, Sholazar Basin: 76-78lvl, Crystalsong Forest: 77-80lvl, Storm Peaks: 77-80lvl, Wintergrasp: 77-80lvl, Icecrown: 77-80lvl

+ tsekkasin et nyt täs on contestedit, eikä mtn epäämääräst alliance höskää. laitan nää nyt sillee et on oikees järjestykses levelaamiseen, yliviivaan paikkoja jotka on huonoja ja vihaan.
saas nähä mistä tulee mun vakiot. ja kaikki mitkä ei onnistu voi aina discoveraa.

sopiii mulle hyvi et vasta 43 / 45 koska varmaa osiotsta 30-40 tulee -> 45 asti + alotan aina  vähä enenku ehdotetaan. nopeempaa exp + lvls. + vaikee kommentoida 40lvl+ ku en ikin oo ollu. saa nähä mimmost on tehä 4-5 lvl80. taiku cata tulee nii lvl85. näil ohjeil pääseeki pidemälle ku ilman. luen siis itekki blogiani 24 / 7. tai sit opettelen sen ulkoo.

harmi muute et mun lempiservu on lukossa, jos vaa pääsis sinne nagradiin ku siel ois mul hyvä guild jossa hyväää seuraa, vaik ei ne raidaa tai mtn. ehk vaa lvlaaan nopee ja meen johonki hyvää raiding guildii tai jtn. alan varmaa soolooo onyxiaa sitte yksin tai jtn. muutenki.

parempi tuo icecrown lvl 80 vetäämiseen ku wtg. et vedän siel varmaa riipppuu vähä pitää ite ite kokee nää asiat tuol sitte. mut nois pitää saada vitusti ekspaa et saa lvl, lvl 70-71 oli jtn puoltosita miljoonaa etet. varmaa hyvä vaa käydä noi kaikki reilusti läpi. mut järjestelen täs pikasesti nää uudestaan. laitan kaikki kommentit ohjeiden jälkee ettei enää niitten keskellä. on muute aika pitkä alotus mulla. kerrankin.

ja tietty ambassador kaikkille yritetään heti, troll / orc = durotar + be-suoritettuna ku alottaa sieltä + undead = tirisfal glades ( ja mulle liian tuttu alue ) + tauren = mulgore. tosii helppoo, voi tehä heti ku lvl10+. teen varmaaa siiin lvl40/60. massii siihe saa khyl tuhlata kivasti.

hiffasin just et undeadin oikee nimi on forsaken, tiesin sen kait jo mutten ollu ikinä tullu ajatelleeks asiaa. täst tulee varmaan mun aktiivisin blogi, ku eniten wowin parissa sitte vietän aikaa. tehny sinänsä hyvää ettei oo toiminu pariin kk. tuun khyl varmaa oleen paljo onnellisempi ja ilosempi ku wow taas toimii, ja sen tulee huomaaa musta.

nyt saan nää tavotteet paperilta nettiin. kaikki muutkin wow ajatukset tulee nettiin kaikille luettaviksi. voin jopa kertoo addoneistani joku pv. ( edellyttäen ettei serkku vahingossakaan eksy tänne, mistä ei ole pelko varmaankaan )

ainijooo serkku varmaa alkaa alliance painotteisesk ku cata tulee, mä taas varmaaan teen yhen dk worgenin ja sitte jätän sen siihen, vihaan alliancee henkeen ja vereeen. FTH ! sen tulee varmaa huomaa täs blogissa aika hienosti sitte. jeejee download edistyny 10%. ja tnää noi vois ostaa ja sen mun accon.

ömmm tää alotus oli kai siinä sitte, tavotteeet, hyvä levelaus ja niin edespäin on tässä. levelauksen pistän omaan kuha oon huonot ja hyvät puolet löytäny ja copyn ton listan ja laitan et mikä on huonoo ja mikä hyvää jne. teitty unohdtu sanoo et downloaderi koht 50%, patchi ite kpht 40%. ja dk + pala on lempiclassit ja shaman on kans aika helppo. no nyt muistin mikä unohin mainita, ne realmit mihin meen tai joista valitsen mihin meen. ja be on mun favo rotu. suosin 65-75% hordea. toimii pvp battlefieldeil sun muilla hyvin. vähensin nyt noi pvp.t kolmeen josta otan varmaaa jaedenarin ku se kuulostaa ny houkuttelevatla. joo se se on, jätän ton lighting's bladen toho jos se vaik houkuttelis joku pv. sit ku meen tekee pvp servuun. eiku jätän kaikki kolme et sit jos joku niist on full nii on hyvii varalla. sama rp-pvp ja pve.e teen, kuha nyt sais valittuu sen main servun jos nagradiin ei vielkää pääse.

PvP: x1
Lightning's Blade - 75% horde
Burning Steppes - 75% horde
Jaedenar - 75% horde

PvE: x3
Nagrand - 71% horde - mun lempiservu hope tänne pääsee kohtapuolin
Bloodhof - 69% horde
Azuremust - 70% horde
Terenas - 65% horde

RP ( + RP-PVP ): x1

The Venture Co - 59% horde - RP-PVP
Ravenholdt - 57% horde - RP-PVP - tän varmaan valitsen koska tykkään tän nimestä enemmän. ja nää 57% & 59% oli parhaat horde prossat mitkä löysin. kaks prossaa ei merkkaa hirveeesti.

//edit taas. löysin serkun main charan tuolta wow armorysta, ja löysin ne mitkä tarttee ambassadooriin exalted. silvermoon city, thunder bluff, undercity, darkspear trolls, orgrimmar. org + darkspear trolls tulee durotar + orgrimmarista eli ihan samasta paikasta saa. muistaakseni, voin olla väärässäki. silvermoon city ny tulee ainkai honored väh. jo ihan alussa. eka tekee q.t ja sit vasta tuhlaa vitusti massia siihe. jeejee 78% ja downloader valmistu jo.updater on 35%. lisää tavotteita joksiki päiväks, The Diplomat ( timbermaw hold, sporeggar, the mag'har unfriendlystä exaltediin ), the argent champion ( exalted argent dawn & argent crusade ), guardian of cenarius ( exalted cenarion cirkle & cenarion expedition ) &  Of the Ashen Verdict ( exalted the Ashen Verdict ). loremasteri ois aika kiva, kivasti questeja sais siihe tehä. updater nyt valmis. nyt se lataa 3.3.0a patchia. rakastan achievementtejä. meinaan tehä kaikki noille mun tavote charoille.

// edit. jeeee. lataantunu nyt.