did on thurday for the horde, got the awesome mount, was lvl73 at the point, got disconnected twice. and died once.
I did go alone to if & sw for ally elders ( got third one from for the horde raid ), none allys were attacking me, died cos of guards, twice in if, fourth in sw ( wouldn't have prob died there if I wld have tank gear on ).
today I did with my guildies and two other guys ( one from same guild as my cousin, and their really good = yes, I'm jealousy as hell to her ) Zul Gurub, tryed bwl, got stuck -> we leaved, or actially we got stuck when trying to get to one guildie attunement, I got it already + jenkins so I'm ok with it.
got a new friend from omen raid, did kill him 7man. that was on thursday aswell.
4 more raids left for classic raider: MC, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, BWL.
and from classic dungeonmaster I did sw stockades while in sw, and gnomeregan (where I got stuck) before I got to if & deadmines while in wetlands explorin, did wc today too, for skinning: sfk, uldaman, st
sfk I did once for skinning, sm once & boosted one guy there too, strat I did while still with some from omen raid. so left is only: rfc, bfd, rfk, rfd, zf, mara, brd, lower brs, dire maul, scholomance (have starte q chain, but not finished it)
going to lvl for a while hopeful. cyaz for now
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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