let's see about ALL primary profession, and which characters have and what ( and which is going to get it )
Randed: skinning (300) + leatherworking (280?)
Nonamee: skinning (leveling atm) + tailoring (leveling atm)
Huntereed: skinning (?) + ?
Nonameed: enchanting (?) + tailoring (?)
Generál: herbalism (?) + Inscription (?)
gathering: Herbalism, Mining & Skinning
other: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking & Tailoring
what I don't have yet: Alchemy, Blacksmithing & Engineering + mining
Mining I acitally don't have for that reason that I always forget to train it.
someone said he lvled from skinning 1-375 in 4 days, I lvled from 22/23-200 in one day.
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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