no weekly raid, no way this is unfair. but we got a new GM, from Jinkler to Farasy, wait I search him from wowHeroes or wowArmory. He is putting our ranking, with lvls, so it's 0-19, 20-39, 40-49, 60-79, 80 (or something like that, atleast: 0-19, 60-79 & 80 ) cos the last bank tab is only to lvl80.s, just 9lvls to go. And then there are ofc officer and GM.
was bored with my DK, so I did first play with my pala --> got bored ( cos I sucked at tanking with her ), did go play with my shaman, it's was ok, but longlong quenue time for healing -> did go back to play with my loved DK, then I did go to nexus, get achiev, and forbidden to go to the computer today ( yes, I'm on another computer now, but with this I can't play wow cos it dosen't use exe file, and I don't find anywhere the right file to use exe files ). So I'm into DK again, can't do the love achiev, but I can then do it next year, or so on.
can't wait to do heroics, could do TBC heroics, but not into get honored. so that's not a choice atm. still on lvl71, sucks. in dragonblight atm.
my own account started to work, so now just waiting those ppls to buy WOTLK, and paying the monthly fee. so then I can easy boost my self, the 30lvl pala ( 28 actially ), and invite her to the guild, and say she's my main on my other account. Then I go with her & DK ALL the classic dungeon's, then go throught ALL the TBC dungeons, normal- & heroic-modes. The pala prob get lvl fast that way, cos she gets all the exp, and their elites, so it's at lvl30: 300exp / mob / grp ( x4 when she gets all exp ), lvl60: 700xp / mob / grp ( x4 solo exp ), lvl70: 1k-exp / mob / grp ( x4 solo exp ). so that means that she'll lvl VERY FAST, don't know if I get that much exp that I think, but we'll see that then. then we go to WOTLK dungeons, but I don't think I can solo them, so we'll see about that part then. I'm not going to screw my life = going with them grp to dung, I need to focus on one char, and that way I wouldn't. but we'll see how far I get with that tactic. so meabe I get lvl60 when I go to TBC dung and so on. lol, and those exp is if your at right lvl, so lower lvl = more exp.
lol I'm just writing when have something to write about, just so you know ( prob nobodys reading this, but anyway )
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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