writing today about dueifferent classes ( rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight ) and jobs ( tank, dps & healer ). might be that I publish this later and writing on it all the time or then just writing short and many times and in many posts.
let's start with the jobs. and I have no knowing about how it works in raid but I got ideas, but not telling them until I done some raiding. gonna tell you what that job i supposed to do and what now, and when it's that jobs fault or someone elses fault.
- are supposed to do threat, and healers are supposed to heal them and not the dps.es
- are NOT supposed to do damage, or dps or anything close to that, it's dps.es fault if tank do all the threat and damage. and if someone elses doing all the threat and ur all the damage, it's ur or the dps.es fault, depends on the situtation
- if ur alive everyone ok, if ur now but everyone is, it's the rest of groups fault, but it might be ur fault depending on what u did.
- tank classes: paladin, death knight, warrior, druid
DPS ( yes I hate DPS and love tank & healers = have noting to say about dps.es )
- are supposed to do damage, NOT THREAT.
- it's ur fault if tank do all the damage.and it's ur fault if u the only alive.
dps classes: all classes = rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight
- the ONLY thing ur should do is healing AND be good at it, but ur anyway hearing the ppl say u suck and are u healing or not, and so on. just don't listen to them. ur good as long nobody dies and ( like I usually do ) can save them at anytime even if they all be almost dead. shamans can save with their totems ( happenend in dire maul to me, magma -> mobs died, and I & hunter were only alive ).
- healer classes: shaman, druid, priest, paladin
writing later on about the classes. And I haven't played a rogue, druid or priest. DK starting to play now. Mage up til lvl16, warlock haven't ever commed up even to 10, paladin played up to lvl30, warrior I've played up tp 25 or so, hunter played up til 17lvl, shaman I've played up to 55 and still going on. Shaman & DK is the classes I love and playing atm. Have a hunter and a paladin too, and lvling them but not at the moment. It's going to be short about those I haven't played but I've write some of it.
rogue, priest, paladin, shaman, hunter, warrior, druid, warlock, mage & death knight
now I have time to write this when wow says this ... : repairing now, and se if it works after it. okay, repair check but gonna repair then if theres something to repair.
- I've never played, but DPS class and good DPS class for leveling.
- speccs: DPS: Assassination, Combat & Sublety
- never played, very good healer, and a healer & dps class. not so good at leveling.
- speccs: DPS: Discipline, Shadow & healer: Holy
- played, like it, fast at lvling cos of their can be tanks, dps.s and healers
- got nice spells and ALOT of them, alot of buffs to: might, wisdom, kings.
- some judgements. and auras & seals.
- speccs: tank: protection, DPS: retribution & healer: holy
- it's not really a good idea to be specced holy as a paladin IMO.
- played, now at lvl55, love it, sometimes kinda slow, when u don't get to dungeon. slow at normal leveling. pwns usually, even in dungoens. dps & healer. as healer very good, as dps alot less good.
- speccs: DPS: elemental, echantment & healer: restoration
- I recomment to specc helaer with a shaman, with dual specc off specc would go good to chose elemental.
- played at lvl17 now, with pet pwnage. only dps, fast at leveling, but slow cos it's dps. pet can tank.
- speccs: DPS: beast master, survival, markmanship
- I supposed hunter would pwnage in PvP
- played but not much, with minion pwange. only dps, fast at leveling, but slow cos it's dps. minion can tank.
- speccs: DPS:
- only dps, slows leveling. I'm at lvl16 now, like it. good dps, leveling kinda slow.
- speccs: DPS: arcane, frost, fire
- haven't played get, but love it anyway. fucking good as tank. can dps too. runic power.
// edit. played it and their ARE good as tank as long u let their spells do their 30-35sec cooldown ( u can't speed cooldown, it sucks ). and as long as only tank tanks it's AWESOME.
- speccs: DPS & TANK: frost, blood & unholy.
mainly. blood: DPS&tank. frost: tank. unholy: DPS
Yes, this were very short, but I just wanted to point my opinion and so. easier to me to choose class to come read here than search in my brains for a while.
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