the raid BWL didn't work out cos everyone who weren't lvl80 + some lvl80's to, weren't atuned with BWL ( I wasn't either ), so we did today ( on sunday ) UBRS. And about 5 lvl60's and 1 lvl80 got atuned with BWL so we're going to BWL some day, and this time it will work out, it was better even this time when they organized it right, they should do that in the future. And they're putting invites in local no more as a leveling guild, but as a guild that need lvl80's, perhaps soon as a raiding guild ( cos that is what we're doing anyway ).
I got from UBRS raid, it's dungeon achievement and JENKINS-title, I feel like heaven on earth or something, I accoplishied something big. I'm so happy, my cousin has her Ambassador title, but it's very easy to get, you just need to lvl1-10 quests and meabe some higher lvl quests and then sell some silk to a vendor.
Oh btw having atm 500g. And cos it's a VERY BIG differense beetween TBC and WOTLK dungeons, I can't tank anymore, I need ALOT of defence and I have the basic = 353 or something like that.
tanks need: stamina ( you need it always no mather what job, but as tank it's important ), defense ( this is the importantest, if you don't have it you can't tank, I did realaize it to day )
Miss, parry, dodge, block ( defence incraces then, nothing to very about if you got defence ). Oh and ofc I don't do anything with block, I'm a dk, can't use a shield.
writing up what I should do to be better dk tank:
dark command ( lol used at every target that is under 100% threat anytime as it's avaible )
death grip ( I'm using it as the threat genreation in beginning, that's the way I gonna keep it )
strangulate ( have same effect as death grip but don't generate threat )
mind freeze ( when dps'es forgot to do it )
I get army of the dead at lvl80, so I gonna use it then to, it's kinda good if your about to wipe.
icy touch - mind freeze ( for powerful attacks with long casting time ) - death strike - strangulate ( mages to the tank )- death pact ( should have this gotta check my spellbook that I haven't forgot anything else - for healing ) - icebound fortitude - anti-magic spell ( useful for to powerful attacks which require running away ) - chains of ice
and defence shoudl be 535
gonna respecc cos I need alot money to dualspecc, which I prob. not needing anyway, so why not spend them on another better way. I had a hard time to decide which talents to put point in cos they all almost was un-nessesary in blood talent tree.
Toughtness 5/5 (frost)
lichborne 1/1 (frost)
improved frost presence 2/2 (frost)
unbrakable armor 1/1 (frost)
= frost 30
morbidity 3/3 (unholy) this is excatly the spell I need.
anticipation 5/5 (unholy)
unholy command 2/2 (unholy)
on a pale horse 2/2 (unholy)
wandering plague 3/3 (unholy)
blade barrier 5/5 (blood)
veteran of the third war 3/3 (blood)
vampiric blood 1/1 (blood)
will of the necropolis 3/3 (blood)
and they say I shouldn't have bloodworms, mark of blood and rune tap.
just going to say, I'm not giving up any of them even if they then are pvp talents, they're greate, and have stopped many wipes.
lol nonono this dosen't dork at all let's dualspecc:
blood: what I have now
frost + unholy:
prob. gonna then use the frost + unholy more.
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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