playing with my dk, get in about 3min to tanking, gotta get lvl before my cousin, she has heirlooms so she IS going to lvl 20% faster, so I have to catch her always, but by otherside I'm going to get a little more xp than normally groupin cos she's going to be higher lvl. and I won't get bored lvlin', just waiting to her to finnish all the tallmar q.s, whitch I've done already, actially they are lvl 61-63 and I was there at those lvls but they seem low lvl to me, even if they're yellow. I want fast further in outland to get more xp and so. Wan't 70.
I was in mana tombs yesterday, they we're a 70 druid cat ( resto & ferl ) and his threat growed allways he got threat, and he sawed wiped cos he had 10k threat ( threated 13.5k ), then some SMART guy asks why the tank has ( me, had about 9k & lvl64 ) has less health than the cat, and I answered that the cat was lvl70, and I'm just wondering don't they ever look what lvl your dungonmats are, cos I do always look their lvl, health and mana and so at first, so I know what to exect from them. And if ther is going to wipes. It works if there is another dk, if that person do put D&D he SHOULD expect some threat, cos it's what it give, I've been using it mainly, cos haven't really time to put anything else when the do their job, so he kinda is a offtank when he uses it, if he DON'T want threat he shouldn't use it and should use blood-whatever-it-names-was-prestence-perhaps?.
Oh I got so good memory again.
Oh when I do dps, ( I really shouldn't search as dps but I do it still, cos I'm a DK ) I always complaining everything I don't like about the tank, sometimes about the healer to and so. I usually have you know about 7k, without buffs, they buff me and it's up to 9k. It's very good. And that's why I should do further from outlands, lvl63 q.s.
Still it would be nice to heal, but you can't heal with a DK ( except little on your self ), it's good but I still hate it. to used to heal. I know, I'm good at it. so I can judge very well when other ppls doing it.
Pplz always speak about ( have been with some, sometimes we don't even kick em, if someone is AFK I usually try to kick that ppls until I can do it, cos I hate to be slow in dung AND I'm NEVER patient ). And I've been rounding around what if I would be a afk-tank. slighty impossible. But I hate when ppls don't listen even at the tank. badbad, tank is the DG usually. listen to TANK, ppls.
AND my guild is doing raids, but I can only at friday-sunday go there, and not sure if I get there at sundays. but anyway it's 60+. Getting then raid-experience. But I already know, I'm going to rock in raids. I know alot of them, even if I haven't raid. And my cousin is the opposite, have raided, suck at it. I borned to raid, I think. Can go there even as DPS. just thinking is it 10 or 25man. Anyway I want to be main or off tank, or dps. Don't really care, I just wanna se how it works for a lvling guild. Some lvl80.s still there, meabe I stay to. I can get raids by my self, don't need a guild to that.
Oh and my cousin got the patient title, she thought have already ambassador. AND she is not a achievement whore, she dosen't care about doing the love is in the air achievements, when I want lvl80 this week ( and I'm not going to get it ) to do the achievement, or I at least want to dalran ( probably not geting there either this week, so sad, so sad ) .
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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