my cousin buyed the WOTLK and now updating it. and I send a message to blizz about my old account and that I want it to working again.
Gonna do now to a other realm a dk as tank(&dps), with dual specc ( frost & blood) and a other dk tank(&dps) with unholy ( and without dual specc ). So I get fast to raiding, so I going to lvl that first one fast to lvl80. tanks get fast dungeons and so. + doing the start q.s anyway. I'm so happy atm. On the top on my world, which is VERY unusual for me, I'm kinda narsisstic but I control it usually well. so now problems there. WoW helps ALOT.
just changed my mind the dual specced is going to be that alone blood and the otherone frost & unholy
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
2 päivää sitten
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