yesterday was to my a epic fail tanking day + really bad grps, so decided to not tank at that time. tried again lvl my druid but failed cos got someone I needed to boost, and got achiev from it too. would wanted to do it hc too, but we died once = wiped if you can call that and then I had to go. so my druid got no lvl yestterday.
still lvl36. and I'm been dreaming for 2 days that I could get him to lvl40 so I can dualspecc him to balance, for questing ( god choose for me, I fail tanking as druid, I just can't see how I get threat and FAST ). couldn't ever tank a hc with druid cos I need threat in 1sec to prevent a wipe, as druid it takes 10sec to realize I have a taunt (tought I loose aggro in 5sec after it ....). as dk I just forget usually my taunt but have d&d etc on so np. ( except when d&d's not on then everyone complain, but I use all my runes at all time, so no d&d time after start ... ).
getting straight moonkin form when I can dualspecc, and get to the waited tree at lvl51. FINALLY then. but to that I need to first get to lvl 40 and then to lvl50. meabe I quest cos I'm ultimately bored of dungs that nvr come ven as healer. getting alot as dps instead of healer in.
and what pisses me off is that it's now fucking weekly maintance. in 6h. ....
an on friday ulduar 10 and on saturday totc 10. so see how that goes, back in my old worst ever raider guild. but no there's not the epic complainer with us. who thinks raiding is something that don't work ( and his very impatience, if raid don't start in 10mins, he leave )
want tought to my druid aswell the trinkets. his having now shoulder and chest as cloth ( too bored to by leather, no big diff anyway, healer heirlooms are always healer heirlooms ), and then having a 1h mace. up for trinkets + kalu'ak ring. what else ....
first I tought I take both trinkets but then even how stupid it is I tought I take just the mana one x2. butbut it's actually just for gs etc and when giving it to else class ... wait ... hell, y I take mana x2, all my other lvling charas are mana users aswell. how did I forget that ...
+ 1k to heirloom flying cwf mount. again need to do some money getting ( I suck at it, my jc atm at lvl150 or some so ... + having tailoring, having something to do frostweaves with but haven't bought infinites yet ). so getting money is hard, should just quest but nah ... can't complete one chain q.s cos need someone to heal me on it or some ...
what wld I enchant my heirlooms with ... can't decide: [Enchant Weapon - Spell Power] or [Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect]. let's see what I need more, think I go for intellect can take sp when I'm lvl80. so it's [Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect] then. which ofc cost 200g in ah ..
then there were [Enchant Chest - Greater Stats] and [Enchant Chest - Major Mana] and hell yeah I'm taking [Enchant Chest - Greater Stats] cos of the reason what higher you become that more usefull it is. ofc xD
of btw if anyone have any pvp tips so just tell me. would be love to know some, love pvp but suck at it. or meabe not but I'm dying soon in wg, unholy is ownage but when my minion die I'm hopeless. blood would be ownage but yeah, I suck at pvp. even in pvp gear, tought my furious set not full just need 1-2 pieces in it. have full t9 btw, soon getting first t10 piece, shoulders first for raiseing def.
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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