so RFD can wait .... forever. Gonna go SFK for medium leather ( and gonna get some light leather and then make them medium leather ). Gonna go Blackrock Depths - lower city, it's lvl range 47-57. And I'm 47 atm. Which is nice. Jesus, my coudin leveling a new character again ? she's not one her other ones atm. or I don't know, cos I don't have them all in my friendlist just the ones, that. Oh shit she's ON that ONE. hah. DUNGEON-time. jeejeee. finally got time to that. lol. I'm a little bit messy today. Espesially about writing in this blog. BRD - lower city for achievement and then random. uuu there's no more SM in LFG tool. Maraudon + Zul'Farrak + ST + BRD - lower city. their all good, even if I don't like maraudon much it's a good place. atm I'm spending alot of my money on LW, to get medium leather, got heavy leather already, and their more intresting to get and so. Thick is what I'm saving on, til I get right lvl in LW. hah my health is 2k. and my mana's 3k ( +400 when I use my "dungeon" headgear - I use other one out of dungeon cos it looks better ). when I get LW and first aid 300. I'm going to just level, so I get lvl60 fast and then go to outland. LW: 165/300 - Skinning: 300/300 ( anyway I'm skinning ) - Cooking: 40/75 ( LOL - hate that skill ) - First aid: 266/300 ( almost 300 ) - fishing: 1/75 ( hate this too and being very lazy ) - riding: 150/150 ( as it should be ). even not all of my weapon skills are full, one is acitally 64/235. It's kinda roflmao. Taking RANDOM dungeon now, to bored to wait until otherways to get on. average is 13min atm. uuuu 3silks til 60, then I can use it to ummmmm. now I remember it REPUTATIONS to get ambassador. first I should do the q.s actially. but I'm so damn lazy. I just have 38 wools. from 60 wools. "
Runecloth is a
cloth item drop from
humanoids in the 51-60 level range" - gotta buy it then, even if it's 7g / stack. to get first aid the best possible. and NOT selling the stuff made of it, so I don't need to buy some health. okay, I don't need healing stuff like that, I'm going to sell it. Jesus, I just got 40g anymore. have a few days ago 100g. but if do this now and then lvl, and then in outland do q.s aswell as dungeons. then I'll get money again, ofc when I got LW til 300. I can skinn and sell then skinns, that's the best way to get profit. Gotta get lvl50 to kill some runecloth guys, to bored to lvl3 lvls now. JUST 13lvls til 300. W0000T ! Now I'm sad, just 19g left. getting random dungeon atm. Think it's ST. Yeah, it is. doin 8 more heavy runecloths than i need. got the 300/300lvl. just got LW left to lvl. I'm saving thos 28 heavys. or okay about 5 of them. I'll but some money on LW. and I have this groups second best gearscore. today I'm taking alot of prntscreeens. WHY can't they be shut up. I'm ressing them ALWAYS. fail tank, very fail tank. groupleader tank and never done this dungeon. omg. idiot. 49lvl. that tank IS dying all the (fucking) time, actially now anymore. ur fucking dps, it's not my fault if u die. FUCKING IDIOTS, sorry no offence but u suck now me. perhaps I put some printscreens of it ? lol I don't have the best parts, like when he was saying he don't know where to go. 3min waiting. I could have done the dps part to, I have gear to that too. sparing this text to leter, gotta calm down now.
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