keskiviikko 30. kesäkuuta 2010

Imma lazy altoholic XD 1xlvl80, 3xlvl70'ies

this altoholic has gotten lazy, can't lvl70-80 cos it's so damn boring, so my char list is like this, in this order even :D

Randed, lvl73, shaman - resto / ench - dual-specc
Genéral, lvl21, mage - frost (meabe arcane as dual if I deside go raiding someday)
Nonameed, lvl72, paladin - prot / holy - dual-specc
Huntereed, lvl47, hunter - bm (hoping on surv as dual)
Nonamee, lvl80, dk - frost / unholy - dual-specc, cwf (my GOD damn main and no epic flyer)
Moneydruid, lvl71, druid - feral (dps and tank) / resto - dual-specc
Nonameds, lvl22, priest - hybrid atm -> respecing disc and dual-speccing holy someda
Joynara, lvl27, warlock - demo, and nvr anything else ever, if I go pvp only then destro, if raiding then aff
Nonamer, lvl4, warrior - prot, nothing else prob
Rogueds, lvl18, rogue - 41/5/25 pvp specc, so it's ... subtetly

okay my memory suck and it's maintance no idea where my lock was but anyway: Joynara, lvl38, warlock, bwtween Moneydruid (Nonameds) and Nonamer prob.
and aswell as my priest, Nonameds, lvl20, priest, between Moneydruid and Nonamer prob.
and my paladin, Nonameed, lvl72, paladin, I know this one is between Nonamee and Randed somewhere

gonna check the order when maintance over. and gonna put dualspecs and cwf ja epic flyng there aswell + speccs XDDD

and hmm I did start my rogue cos everything was boring, then I desided I love my bow and did go lvl my hunter XD and there we are, 2 days, and it's from 36-43 yesterday and today 43-46 was hoping to 48 but hmm got maintance which I forgot so no hope on it, but half way to 47 anyway since my hs to dala is refershing I tp.ed fast to dala and from there to smc in the 3last minutes before server shuttdown, and trade was going WILD. spämmin evrysec XDD
okay I modified the list to be correct now. good memory I assume, all was on place. tought some lvls was to low some to high :D going lvling my warr now

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