wsg = everone running to take flag or defending base
ab = running to capture flags or defending flags
and I'm going to start healing in pvp, easy when you know you love pvp, and down pretty damn well what you do as "dps" there. you know where you supposed to heal. and I think I need to be priest for this, it's the best choice.
in wsg & ab
1. heal yourself, get mana like hell (if they attack you, which they will so you stop healing you team), so they can't kill you and don't start hate your team (or stop healing them) for dying.
WSG: 2. heal the flag carrier
AB: 2. heal the flag capturer, when he's capturing them, don't let them threat him/her so (s)he can capture it = kill them
3. heal everyonelse that needs it, I'm sure their appreciate it. I did atleast appreciate it, one druid was healing me.
4. help killing allys = enemies
(5. pick insignas = you get money as from normal mobs)
so it's easy, before lvl80, you'll get exp for it, less than from dung, but this is super fun. and you'll get honor & marks.
I'm myself wanna get deadly gladiators for this, and tier 10 for heroics & normal dungs. and yes I'm buying first heirlooms, then tier 10.
I planned to just take the exp boost heirlooms to spare emblems.
I startedd a priest a few days ago, actually my cousin wanted to be in party eith me, but she desided she get better exp without it, so I leaved my priest there at lvl 2/3. got a druid lvl 10/11 too.
priest be lvl2/3 -> dualspecc: holy / disc
druid tauren lvl10/11 -> dualspecc: feral / resto
pala be lvl 23 -> dualspecc: prot / holy
mage be lvl 17 frost ( lol for portals ? still hating )
warlock undead lvl11 (suppose this one is going to be deleted, or then I like the minions alot and lvl it or then I make a be of it) demonology
hunter be lvl17 bm (ownage pvp, rogues are more ownage but hate them too much to lvl one, and my cousin love
druid & warrior taurens lvl12/13 -> getting deleted soon
almost forgot my ex-main:
shaman orc lvl56 -> dualspecc: resto / elemental
and almost everyone that grped with me when I'm still frost know dk tanks can be damn good.
I was reading the heirloom page in wowwiki, and realized that their skill based and not class based, so it's cloth for everyone. happyhour, right, I'm insane. better than no stats, lol.
[Tattered Dreadmist Mantle] 10% and [Tattered Dreadmist Robe] 10%, no intellect but who cares. stamina is amazing. and some normal items. lol
that means I just need 80 emblems to it, good I got already 14 of it, lol.
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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