cldn't stop myself, was just thinking this is a thing I shld do so it's time for something I saw at I Sheep Things...,which re-stole it from Kiss My Alas, which stole it from Ethermead. yes I'm re-re-stoling it or somthing.
1. Raider, farmer, PvPer, or altoholic?
altholic, casual pvper, hmm wld be raider if had a char I cld keep intrest up with.
2. Favorite raid or dungeon?
let's admit it it's .... ulduar, Flame leviathan owns can't stop loving him. and ofc brann is loveably. well as second hand icc seems nice.
3. Number one choice for a new playable race?
worgens, doh I want to try be werewolf.
4. Class you suck the most at?
hmmm warriors and rogues. opening move, can't be done, you mean how the hell do I even sap. to hard, when I try to it says you must be stealth, I was STEALTHED, oh ye mob did see me, cos I standed there for a 10secs trying to get it done, did 30min on the pickpocket lvl10 quest. even if warrior is the class I started wow with, I play em a few steps better than rogues, doh I can CHARGE. and hmm thunderclap is there even other abilities I shld use. to hard. tought got a nice manual, which is my cousin, her warrior is lvl71, so she knows atleast something, and she's arms / prot, so she's a manual for tanking to me
5. Original UI or modded UI?
modded UI, can't live without getting everyaddon I normall have.
6. Profession you’ve never leveled past 200?
hmm well my lw is low on my hunter, so it's countable but I lvled it over 200, to 250-280 or some on my shammy til I toke mining and bs, hmm well bs is 5 ? think so. and engineering 50 on rogue. have alchemy on 75 or so on lock and priest. well they gonna go past 200 someday, rargh need 120 light leathers. my warr is taking skinning and go tanking sfk 10times / day
7. Favorite flying mount?
hmm idk, nvr actaully tried the 280%'ies since don't have skill, but I like blue-protodrake, hmm okay celestial steed is favorite, it's so amazing, and I don't have it -.-
8. Nozdormu — friend or foe, you figure?
his in DRAGONBLIGHT, badbadbad me, tought he was in caverns of time. hmm hate db, so foe. evrything in bronze dragon-whatever-place (tought is was emerald, I can't even read correctly wowwiki) is hmmm meabe foe, did some random q there, he looked like he was gonna kill me.
9. Useless item you have in your bank that you’ll never get rid of?
my starting dk trinkets, nvr gonna put them away, you can't sell em put to bored to destroy em and tbh their usefull but gs sucks on em
10. Most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
cwf and dualspecs, on items prob some gems 300g, the 30g stam gem. whatever named
11. Favorite starting area?
easy and simple answer the be-area, also called as eversong woods. love it, damn that warriors can't be be, anything else is be, no wait my druid aint (how did I forget that).
12. Inane goal you worked hardest to achieve?
nothing yet but I want the Insane titel, hmm well let's see tbh, the explorer, the patient aint even countable and neither is ah-god-damn-forgot-what-I-was-about-to-say.
13. Darion Mograine VS Tirion Fordring, gloves off — winner is?
Mograine, his in starter area and in dk's blood talent tree. remember his buff forever, the quest was awesome
14. Game music or your own playlist?
Game music, can't live without it even when it's a total disaster. and when I feel like putting the sound off.
15. Particular option or setting that you always toggle on a new alt/server?
hmmm, equip management on ? hmm and all combat information ofc. auto-loot XD
16. Highest amount of levels gained in one play session?
ouch hmmm, 4lvls / day is normal, and I play like that in max in session, but hmmm, 43-46 today, and hmm had 30-35 once, and hmm 65-69 aswell, on my main, think it was 60-65, once. I don't even always play on same char at whole session
17. Thing you’d most like to experience or see in-game?
ulduar 25man hc ? idk icc wld be veryvery nice aswell
18. Worst PuG moment?
argh, the ones when I got kicked cos of slacking and put only d&d and the one healer left cos I was dk tank.
19. Best dungeon/raid moment?
tanking mt kt and tanking mt icc marrowgar, tought icc10 only and so, yes I don't have even killed him in icc, shame on me, altoholic. but I liked dk tanking mt, and ofc that's usually un-acceptable -.-
20. Worst quest ever that you totally hate doing?
typical my luck, forgot it alrdy. prob kill 40 of these or pick 40 of these, 10 goes, 15even, 20 is way to much, 40 is suecide
21. First thing you do when you hit 80?
go around jumping in happiness, go gear something meabe or so and then go play an alt XD altoholic
22. Character (of yours) you would RP as if you had to?
nona deffinityl, she's my lvoe.
23. Keyboard, mouse, or both for using abilities?
mouse, and keyboard sometimes, 1-5 and casually something else aswell which is pushed with mouse ofc XD
24. Thottbot or WoWhead?
wowhead, cos of the talent trees with peeeet XD
25. Acronym you’ve seen in chat but don’t understand?
hmm well I understand them all, hmm wait there was los but hmm got figured out from wowwiki what it was. so hmm well don't still understand the idea of it.
26. Plot point you’d like to see resolved someday?
hmm why my dps on dk is like she wld be lvl70 -.- do I suck, or is it the pvp-dps-tank gear ?
tbh wowhistory is something I wld like the read, hmm resolved, caverns of time meabe ?
27. Biggest thing you’re looking forward to in Cataclysm?
I don't want to cata come if they gonna do changes that they are about to do, but on otherside I want the pala PET and it's gonna be easier to lvl70-80. hopefully 80-85 is intresting and fun and well tbh it's not gonna be easy but hope it's fun, so I can do it on all chars
28. Guild event you’d like to see?
icc ofc, not even in guild atm, got kicked from a newly formed raiding guild cos of being 2 days on my alt
29. Level range you hate being in?
hmm lvl40-58 ? totally boring. but what I most hate is the 70-80 it's slow it's painfull it's BORING. it's hard it's un-doable
30. Favorite map to quest in?
well hmm howling fjord is nice but sholazar basin and nagrand are the best :D just cos of the place, not the quests ;D
Unlocking the Meaning of 17 Words That End in AUT
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