lauantai 8. toukokuuta 2010

my shockadin build

perjantai 7. toukokuuta 2010

prot & holy palas

let me once again make a own messed up pve and pvp build like I always do.
wont ever follow anything right, was about to follow my cousins pala holy specc BUT it wont have the imp fury, so not it then, and don't like that one either that is 51/20/0 so let me do my own. again. tank build aswell gonna be planned :D
holy: 51/13/7:
hmm not sure if I wld take divine sacriface and the next one of it, kinda useless. tank stuff :D
so not taking it, going to retri.
prot: 5/55/11:
divine strength meabe wld be better instead of seals of the pure. but that specc seems ok, right have one point in divine strengt. I'll be hit capeed anyway , wont prob matter that much. incr dmg done supposed to be better.